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  • Nicolas Vuaille's avatar
    Edit VeloView for Qt5.6.2 and Paraview5.4 versions bump · 9e515a07
    Nicolas Vuaille authored and Nick Laurenson's avatar Nick Laurenson committed
     * We add new dependencies to Freetype and Fontconfig because Qt5+ doesn't
       ship them anymore.
       This decision go through new CMake files for each OS.
     * We need to change some Qt code to remove deprecated/non existed parts
       and replace them with the new method.
     * There is CTK classes added because Paraview, since version 5.3, doesn't
       ship them anymore.
       Again, more CMake code in order to take these new files in consideration
     * Some C++ changes to take consideration of Paraview major API changes.
       According to the documentation you could find here:
     * Again, some changes on CMake and C++ were required to build correctly
       the Paraview's VeloView plugin.
     * The coding style edition came from clang-format
     * There is a change to Paraview dependency with a new branch, customized
       to keep the old behavior of some feature (such as the OutputDialog) or