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  • Ken Martin's avatar
    many fixes and new features · d47b9606
    Ken Martin authored
    Add floor option to show a floor
    completely rework the matrix and coordinate code
    to be cleaner and use standard VTK conventions (right handed)
    add support for a dashboard overlay with options to subclass
    and support for saving/loading camera poses and adjusting
    motion factors and scale factors.
    Improve the resetcameraclippingrange to work better for VR
    change how eye position is handled so that VolumeRendering
    will work properly
    Handle the case where poeple make the cubes invisible which
    results in a 308 error on loading the model.
    Add support for the user to specify the mapping of physical
    coordinates into world coordinate. Allows for different
    view up vectors other than the old code which was hard
    coded to Y.
    Add middle mouse support mapped to the grip button.
    Add some support for a hardware clipping plane.