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  • Ben Boeckel's avatar
    Split Python module initialization function out · 989050fa
    Ben Boeckel authored
    The module initialization function has always been put into the Python
    module itself which is marked as a MODULE in add_library in the VTK
    wrapping macros. CMake disallows linking directly to a MODULE, so if
    something external to the bindings want to use the module initialization
    function, they don't have access to it.
    To fix this, the module method is placed in an OBJECT library which can
    be linked against to get access to the init function. In addition, the
    code which loads each class into the module is moved into the PythonD
    library. The Python module itself doesn't use the object library since some
    generators do not support targets with only objects from other targets.
    This is mainly intended for use in ParaView so that the Python bindings
    for classes may be used to implement the ClientServer wrappings with the
    Python wrappings instead of generating a second set of bindings.
    Change-Id: I8dd2eb672a3b038dedafa79cae271b88fad06082