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  • Lucas Gandel's avatar
    Improve QVTKOpenGLWidget and add QVTKOpenGLWindow class based on QOpenGLWindow · 45704131
    Lucas Gandel authored and Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)'s avatar Mathieu Westphal (Kitware) committed
    Fixing stereo support with Qt5.
    Commit 139f787a was introducing QVTKOpenGLWidget to couple a vtkRenderWindow with a QOpenGLWidget.
    However, both QVTKOpenGLWidget and its superclass QOpenGLWidget manage a single frame buffer.
    QVTKOpenGLWindow derives the QOpenGLWindow class to benefit from an OpenGL context managing multiple frame buffers.
    It can be used as a QWidget by calling QWidget::createWindowContainer() on your QVTKOpenGLWindow instance.
    QVTKOpenGLWidget has been reimplemented to use thes QVTKOpenGLWindow directly has a widget.
    It is recommended to do so.
    The old QVTKOpenGLWidget is been moved into QVTKOpenGLSimpleWidget and should not be removed as it support being a native widget,
    wich the new implementation does not.
    There is a new QVTKOpenGLWidget::isValid() method to check that the widget is ready to render.
    It is to be noted that there is a specific implementation of
    event handling in order to work around QTBUG-...