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Draft: Hover on CellData selection with tooltip

This new selection is based on 2 existing selection interaction mode. The cell data interactive selection and the tooltip cell selection. The goal is to provide an interaction allowing the user to hover a cell and select all the cells with the same CellData while having a tooltip displaying the attached field/cells data. This implementation is highly WIP.


Currently there are a few issues with this implementation :

  • We'd like to avoid performing an ExtractSelection, which has a significant cost. There is a dedicated method in pqRenderViewSelectionReaction to avoid doing it named FastPreselection, it is currently supported by the Selection by cell data but not by the Tooltip. As long as the Tooltip doesn't support this we will have to perform this ExtractSelection anyway.
  • There should be a check to ensure the interaction toggle button can't be activated if the active type of CellData isn't of vtkIdType
Edited by Loïc Gaillard

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