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Adding range handles item and other related plot improvements

  • Adding vtkRangeHandlesItem

    This add a new item, vtkRangeHandlesItem This items are perfect for manipulating the range of a vtkChartXY. They emit an EndInteractionEvent when the interaction has finished and the new range can be recovered with GetHandlesRange. This also adds a test

  • Adding an AddPointItem to vtkControlPointsItem

    Previous implementation of vtkControlPointsItem was problematic as it "Hit" everywhere in order to be able to add points. This adds a new AddPointItem that can be recovered from any vtkControlPointsItem When enabled, the vtkControlPointsItem hit only on the actual points while the AddPointItem hit everywhere. By placing the AddPointItem below all other item and the vtkControlPointItem above all other items, other items can be interacted with while keeping interaction with the vtkControlPointItem.

  • Moving a few methods to vtkPlot

    Moving the ClampPos and TransformTo method to vtkPlot in order to be able to use them in vtkRangeHandlesItem

  • Fix paraview/paraview#19329 (closed)

Edited by Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)

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