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Lagrangian Particle Tracker Improvements

This make some improvement to the Lagrangian Particle Tracker :

  • Added a TrackedUserData to the particle. This data has a Previous, Current and Next values that follows the particle but are not passed trough the integrator
  • Added a TemporaryUserData which is a void pointer, it is only for temporary storage and is never copied nor transferred.
  • Removed Model specific InsertData and InitializeData and move InsertData and InitializeData to the model for easier reimplementation
  • Added cellLength to the ManualIntegration
  • Added a GenerateParticlePathsOutput property to be able to disable the particle paths generation if needed
  • Remove ParticlePathRenderingThreshold as it is not really usefull anymore
Edited by Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)

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