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  • Cory Quammen's avatar
    ENH: Add vtkWordCloud to Infovos/Core · 76a896d8
    Cory Quammen authored and Bill Lorensen's avatar Bill Lorensen committed
    vtkWordCloud is an Image Source that creates a word cloud.
    Word Clouds, AKA Tag Clouds, are a text visualization technique that displays individual works with properties that depend on the frequency of a word in a document. Numerous options are available, including the color of the words, size of the words, the orientation of the words, font files, and mask files.
    Word Clouds, AKA Tag Clouds, are a text visualization technique that displays individual works with properties that depend on the frequency of a word in a document.  vtkWordCloud varies the font size base on word frequency.
    Word Clouds are useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms in a document. Also, Word Clouds can identify trends and patterns that would otherwise be unclear or difficult to see in a tabular format. Frequently used keywords stand out better in a Word Cloud. Common words that might be overlooked in tabular form are highlighted in the larger text, making them pop out when displ...