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BUG: Common naming of \#define conflicts with ITK

When VTK and ITK are used together, the #define ThreadInfoStruct vtkMultiThreader::ThreadInfo from VTK/Common/Core/vtkMultiThreader.h

would clobber the ThreadInfoStruct definition from ITK/Modules/Core/Common/include/itkMultiThreaderBase.h: 104 struct ThreadInfoStruct 105 { 106 ThreadIdType ThreadID; 107 ThreadIdType NumberOfThreads; 108 void* UserData; 109 ThreadFunctionType ThreadFunction; 110 enum { SUCCESS, ITK_EXCEPTION, ITK_PROCESS_ABORTED_EXCEPTION, STD_EXCEPTION, UNKNOWN } ThreadExitCode; 111 };

===== using ThreadInfoStruct=vtkMultiThreader::ThreadInfo;

avoids the pre-processor conflicts.


See for discussion.

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