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  • Yohann Bearzi (Kitware)'s avatar
    Restoring vtkRedistributeDataSetFilter behavior · ad0857b3
    Yohann Bearzi (Kitware) authored
    !8812 broke a functionality of `vtkRedistributeDataSetFilter`. When
    setting `NumberOfPartitions` to some number larger than the number of
    input partitions, the filter internally generates a partitioned data set
    as a temporary state. When setting `PreservePartitionsInOutput` to
    false, the output becomes a `vtkUnstructuredGrid` and we need to merge
    the partitions into one partition. Instead of merging, the filter was
    just saving the first partition.
    The trick to have both this behavior working and not having duplicate
    points in the output is to set `MergingPointsOn` in the appender that
    merges the partitions into the output.
    Fixes #18632