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  • Nicolas Vuaille's avatar
    Create vtkBoundedWidgetRepresentation to handle Widget Outline cropping · c446f2bc
    Nicolas Vuaille authored
    Different implicit representations implement a "crop at outline" feature,
    where the drawn widget is clipped by a bounding box composed
    of the input data bounding box extended to contain widget Origin.
    This factorizes this feature.
    We use inheritance and intermediate class (vtkBoundedWidgetRepresentation),
    to limit API evolution of concrete vtkImplicitXXXRepresentation.
    Ported classes: vtkImplicitConeRepresentation,
    vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation, vtkImplicitAnnulusRepresentation
    Newly supported class: vtkImplicitFrustumRepresentation
    (it was using a fixed size, instead of dynamic one)
    Create vtkBoundedWidgetRepresentation to handle Widget Outline cropping
    Nicolas Vuaille authored
    Different implicit representations implement a "crop at outline" feature,
    where the drawn widget is clipped by a bounding box composed
    of the input data bounding box extended to contain widget Origin.
    This factorizes this feature.
    We use inheritance and intermediate class (vtkBoundedWidgetRepresentation),
    to limit API evolution of concrete vtkImplicitXXXRepresentation.
    Ported classes: vtkImplicitConeRepresentation,
    vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation, vtkImplicitAnnulusRepresentation
    Newly supported class: vtkImplicitFrustumRepresentation
    (it was using a fixed size, instead of dynamic one)