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  • Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)'s avatar
    Adding surface streamlines · b117a066
    Mathieu Westphal (Kitware) authored
    Adding surface streamlines support to vtk by :
    Using a higher tolarance (*10)
    2D Check of cell inclusion
    Surface vortivity
    Snapping stream lines point to surface
    New version of the surface stream tracer
    New version of the surface streamer tracer, the main point are :
    1. Use of a surface tolerance scale at 1.E-5, to ensure even adaptative algorithm like RungeKutta4-5 works, however it is still possible to create dataset wich will not comply with this,
    A Hard edge with a big vector will always make it fails at some point, is is more visible with surface streamlines but could occur with volume streamlines as well
    2. A new version of FindCell, with a surface specific part wich almmost always find a cell, except when we are really out of domain.
    It is ensured by always checking findPoint return
    3. Still use surface vector
    4. Snap using new version of FindCell
    Note: Style is not yet considered, do not loose any time review the style.
    Correcting style in new code