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  • Cory Quammen's avatar
    Fixed output point arrays problem with vtkContourFilter · 99541b93
    Cory Quammen authored
    The ComputeScalars option adds the array from which the contour was
    computed to the output. vtkContourFilter used to contour by the active
    scalar array in the point data, but now contours by the point data
    array set with vtkAlgorithm::SetInputArrayToProcess(). However, some
    aspects of copying the data are still controlled by which array is
    designated as active. The result is that when the active scalar array
    is not the same as the one named with SetInputArrayToProcess(), the
    active point data array will not be added to the output if the
    ComputeScalars option is off, and the contouring array will be added
    This problem manifested only when the input data set type was
    vtkUnstructuredGrid or vtkPolyData. Other data types are handled by
    helper classes where arrays are handled correctly. This patch fixes
    the problem by setting the active scalar array in the input data to
    match the input array to process. An existing test for unstructured
    grid input was modified to test the expected behavior and a new test
    for vtkPolyData was added.