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  • Yuanxin Liu's avatar
    new particle tracers built on top of modified vtkTemporalStreamTracer · 5465f1a1
    Yuanxin Liu authored
    The current vtkTemporalStreamTracer is modified to become vtkPStreamTracerBase.
    The current vtkPTemporalStreamTracer is modified to become vtkPPStreamTracerBase.
    The main difference is that, before, the vtkTemporalStreamTracer always takes one step forward and
    the state of the filter is affected by previous runs. Now, vtkPStreamTracerBase takes
    all the time steps form the starting and termination time. It also checks for modification time
    of the input and parameters so that if the user increases the termination time, it does not
    rerun the previous steps.
    For each base class, three new filters are created to perform particle tracing tasks:
    - vtkParticleTracer/vtkPParticleTracer  This will output positions of the seeds after moving.
    - vtkStreaklineFilter/vtkPStreaklineFilter. This will output streak lines,
    - vtkParticlePathFilter/vtkPParticlePathFilter. This will output path lines.
    Change-Id: I81acd8a083d3ef060d58e77a20271d6e51df1680