Is it possible to "slice" a surface with VTK-m to get a data set consisting of lines?
Opening this on behalf of Cyrus:
I have tried a few combos (slice with a cylinder, then with a plane to obtain a circle --- slice with plane, then slice with another plane to get a line) and I didn't have luck.
I then created a simple case -- a plane of a few quads and the sliced it with a plane and again an empty dataset.
At a basic level, here is what we are leveraging from VTK-m to slice:
vtkm::filter::contour::Slice slicer; slicer.SetImplicitFunction(my_plane);
Using the same dataset with VisIt w/ the same slice params, I am able to extract a line -- pink is the post slice line, and the black quads are the input dataset.