Motivation for `just_points` in `VTKDataSetWriter`
What is the motivation for the just_points
option in VTKDataSetWriter
static void Write(std::ostream& out, const vtkm::cont::DataSet& dataSet, bool just_points = false)
The one unit test I found it exercised in gives this explanation:
std::cout << "Force writer to output an explicit grid as points" << std::endl;
vtkm::io::VTKDataSetWriter writer("Make3DExplicitDataSet0-no-grid.vtk");
writer.WriteDataSet(tds.Make3DExplicitDataSet0(), true);
but I cannot understand why you would want to do that.
In addition, grepping through the user guide shows it is undocumented:
➜ vtk-m-user-guide git:(master) grep -nr 'just_points' .
➜ vtk-m-user-guide git:(master) echo $?
Edited by Nick Thompson