@echo off rem Just invokes clang-format.bash. if %1.==. goto help set "src_dir=%~dp0\" set "bash_terminal=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Git\bin\bash.exe" if exist "%src_dir%clang-format.bash" ( cd "%src_dir%" echo "Running clang-format.bash in a bash terminal." "%bash_terminal%" --login -m clang-format.bash %1 cd %src_dir% ) else ( echo Error: clang-format.bash not found. ) goto end: :help echo ---------------- echo usage: clang-format.cmd [--] echo --help Print usage plus more detailed help. echo --clang-format <tool> Use given clang-format tool. echo --amend Filter files changed by HEAD. echo --cached Filter files locally staged for commit. echo --modified Filter files locally modified from HEAD. echo --tracked Filter files tracked by Git. echo ---------------- echo Example to format locally modified files: echo Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash --modified echo Example to format locally modified files staged for commit: echo Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash --cached echo Example to format files modified by the most recent commit: echo Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash --amend echo Example to format all files: echo Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash --tracked echo ---------------- goto end :end