diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI.md b/src/PythonicAPI.md
index c306ce48ab0ecf0b656a926bd29c0a8d6b23f73d..a3b6ee01c855b1fce5d8e97592ebec26fd292715 100644
--- a/src/PythonicAPI.md
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI.md
@@ -58,9 +58,14 @@ This Python script, [SelectExamples](../PythonicAPI/Utilities/SelectExamples), w
 | -------------- | ------------- | ------- |
 [ReadAllPolyDataTypesDemo](/PythonicAPI/IO/ReadAllPolyDataTypesDemo) | Read all VTK polydata file types.
 [ReadExodusData](/PythonicAPI/IO/ReadExodusData) | A simple script for reading and viewing ExodusII data interactively.
+[TransientHDFReader](/PythonicAPI/IO/TransientHDFReader) | Read transient data written inside a vtkhdf file.
 ###### Importers
+| Example Name | Description | Image |
+| -------------- | ------------- | ------- |
+[3DSImporter](/PythonicAPI/IO/3DSImporter) | Import a 3D Studio scene that includes multiple actors.
 ##### Output
 #### VTK Formats
@@ -97,8 +102,16 @@ This Python script, [SelectExamples](../PythonicAPI/Utilities/SelectExamples), w
 ### Sources
+| Example Name | Description | Image |
+| -------------- | ------------- | ------- |
+[TessellatedBoxSource](/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TessellatedBoxSource) | Generate a box with tessellated sides.
 ### Non Linear
+| Example Name | Description | Image |
+| -------------- | ------------- | ------- |
+[IsoparametricCellsDemo](/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/IsoparametricCellsDemo) | Nonlinear isoparametric cell types in VTK.
 ### Parametric Objects
 | Example Name | Description | Image |
@@ -118,7 +131,6 @@ This Python script, [SelectExamples](../PythonicAPI/Utilities/SelectExamples), w
 [SampleFunction](/PythonicAPI/ImplicitFunctions/SampleFunction) | Sample and visualize an implicit function.
 [SmoothDiscreteFlyingEdges3D](/PythonicAPI/Modelling/SmoothDiscreteFlyingEdges3D) | Generate smooth surfaces from labeled data.
 ## Working with 3D Data
 | Example Name | Description | Image |
@@ -153,7 +165,6 @@ This section includes examples of manipulating meshes.
 | -------------- | ------------- | ------- |
 [DelaunayMesh](/PythonicAPI/Modelling/DelaunayMesh) | Two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation of a random set of points. Points and edges are shown highlighted with sphere glyphs and tubes.
 #### Clipping
 | Example Name | Description | Image |
@@ -337,10 +348,15 @@ See [this tutorial](http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Tutorials/3DDataTypes) for a bri
 [Attenuation](/PythonicAPI/ImageProcessing/Attenuation) | This MRI image illustrates attenuation that can occur due to sensor position.  The artifact is removed by dividing by the attenuation profile determined manually.
 [EnhanceEdges](/PythonicAPI/ImageProcessing/EnhanceEdges) | High-pass filters can extract and enhance edges in an image. Subtraction of the Laplacian (middle) from the original image (left) results in edge enhancement or a sharpening operation (right).
 [GaussianSmooth](/PythonicAPI/ImageProcessing/GaussianSmooth) | Low-pass filters can be implemented as convolution with a Gaussian kernel.
+[ImageWarp](/PythonicAPI/Images/ImageWarp) | Combine the imaging and visualization pipelines to deform an image in the z-direction. The vtkMergeFilter is used to combine the warped surface with the original color data.
 [VTKSpectrum](/PythonicAPI/ImageProcessing/VTKSpectrum) | The discrete Fourier transform changes an image from the spatial domain into the frequency domain, where each pixel represents a sinusoidal function. This figure shows an image and its power spectrum displayed using a logarithmic transfer function.
 ## Widgets
+| Example Name | Description | Image |
+| -------------- | ------------- | ------- |
+[BalloonWidget](/PythonicAPI/Widgets/BalloonWidget) | Uses a vtkBalloonWidget to draw labels when the mouse stays above an actor.
 ## Plotting
 | Example Name | Description | Image |
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/IsoparametricCellsDemo.md b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/IsoparametricCellsDemo.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ad20d3636821ff6da1cc815065145181ee311a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/IsoparametricCellsDemo.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+### Description
+This example shows the isoparametric cells supported by the VTK. These cells are nonlinear and contain one or more
+mid-side vertices. Isoparametric elements are typically used
+in [finite element analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_element_method). The term isoparametric is derived
+from the use of the same shape functions (or interpolation functions)  to define the element's geometric shape as are
+used to define the displacements within the element.
+This example illustrates each cell's representation using its parametric coordinates (pcoords) as the vertices of the
+cell. In practice, the vertices will correspond to physical points in a finite element model. Use vtkTessellatorFilter
+to better see the shape of the cell. See for example, [QuadraticHexahedronDemo](../QuadraticHexahedronDemo)
+and [QuadraticTetraDemo](../QuadraticTetraDemo).
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/IsoparametricCellsDemo.py b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/IsoparametricCellsDemo.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..662bff7764a65f8ac067d9027a8ac7ac7f244d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/IsoparametricCellsDemo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonColor import vtkNamedColors
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import (
+    vtkBiQuadraticQuad,
+    vtkBiQuadraticQuadraticHexahedron,
+    vtkBiQuadraticQuadraticWedge,
+    vtkBiQuadraticTriangle,
+    vtkCubicLine,
+    vtkQuadraticEdge,
+    vtkQuadraticHexahedron,
+    vtkQuadraticLinearQuad,
+    vtkQuadraticLinearWedge,
+    vtkQuadraticPolygon,
+    vtkQuadraticPyramid,
+    vtkQuadraticQuad,
+    vtkQuadraticTetra,
+    vtkQuadraticTriangle,
+    vtkQuadraticWedge,
+    vtkTriQuadraticHexahedron,
+    vtkUnstructuredGrid
+from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersSources import vtkSphereSource
+from vtkmodules.vtkInteractionWidgets import (
+    vtkTextRepresentation,
+    vtkTextWidget
+from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (
+    vtkActor,
+    vtkActor2D,
+    vtkDataSetMapper,
+    vtkGlyph3DMapper,
+    vtkRenderWindow,
+    vtkRenderWindowInteractor,
+    vtkRenderer,
+    vtkTextActor,
+    vtkTextProperty
+from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingLabel import vtkLabeledDataMapper
+def main():
+    colors = vtkNamedColors()
+    # Set up the viewports.
+    x_grid_dimensions = 4
+    y_grid_dimensions = 4
+    renderer_size = 240
+    size = (renderer_size * x_grid_dimensions, renderer_size * y_grid_dimensions)
+    viewports = list()
+    for row in range(0, y_grid_dimensions):
+        for col in range(0, x_grid_dimensions):
+            # (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
+            viewports.append([float(col) / x_grid_dimensions,
+                              float(y_grid_dimensions - (row + 1)) / y_grid_dimensions,
+                              float(col + 1) / x_grid_dimensions,
+                              float(y_grid_dimensions - row) / y_grid_dimensions])
+    ren_win = vtkRenderWindow(size=size, window_name='IsoparametricCellsDemo')
+    iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
+    iren.render_window = ren_win
+    u_grids, titles = get_unstructured_grids()
+    # Create one sphere for all.
+    sphere = vtkSphereSource(phi_resolution=21, theta_resolution=21, radius=0.08)
+    # Create one text property for all.
+    text_property = vtkTextProperty(color=colors.GetColor3d('LightGoldenrodYellow'), bold=True, italic=True,
+                                    shadow=True, font_family_as_string='Courier',
+                                    font_size=16, justification=TextProperty.Justification.VTK_TEXT_CENTERED)
+    # Position text according to its length and centered in the viewport.
+    text_positions = get_text_positions(titles, justification=TextProperty.Justification.VTK_TEXT_CENTERED)
+    text_representations = list()
+    text_actors = list()
+    text_widgets = list()
+    renderers = list()
+    # Create and link the mappers actors and renderers together.
+    for i in range(0, len(u_grids)):
+        name = titles[i]
+        print('Creating:', titles[i])
+        renderer = vtkRenderer(background=colors.GetColor3d('SlateGray'), viewport=viewports[i])
+        # Create the text actor and representation.
+        text_actors.append(
+            vtkTextActor(input=name,
+                         text_scale_mode=vtkTextActor.TEXT_SCALE_MODE_NONE,
+                         text_property=text_property))
+        # Create the text representation. Used for positioning the text actor.
+        text_representations.append(vtkTextRepresentation(enforce_normalized_viewport_bounds=True))
+        text_representations[i].GetPositionCoordinate().value = text_positions[name]['p']
+        text_representations[i].GetPosition2Coordinate().value = text_positions[name]['p2']
+        # Create the text widget, setting the default renderer and interactor.
+        text_widgets.append(
+            vtkTextWidget(representation=text_representations[i], text_actor=text_actors[i],
+                          default_renderer=renderer, interactor=iren, selectable=False))
+        mapper = vtkDataSetMapper()
+        u_grids[i] >> mapper
+        actor = vtkActor(mapper=mapper)
+        actor.property.color = colors.GetColor3d('Tomato')
+        actor.property.edge_visibility = True
+        actor.property.line_width = 3
+        actor.property.opacity = 0.5
+        # Label the points.
+        label_mapper = vtkLabeledDataMapper()
+        label_mapper.SetInputData(u_grids[i])
+        label_actor = vtkActor2D()
+        label_actor.SetMapper(label_mapper)
+        # Glyph the points
+        point_mapper = vtkGlyph3DMapper(input_data=u_grids[i], source_data=sphere.update().output, scaling=False,
+                                        scalar_visibility=False)
+        point_actor = vtkActor(mapper=point_mapper)
+        point_actor.property.diffuse_color = colors.GetColor3d('Banana')
+        point_actor.property.specular = 0.6
+        point_actor.property.specular_color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+        point_actor.property.specular_power = 100
+        renderer.AddViewProp(actor)
+        renderer.AddViewProp(label_actor)
+        renderer.AddViewProp(point_actor)
+        renderers.append(renderer)
+        ren_win.AddRenderer(renderers[i])
+    for row in range(0, y_grid_dimensions):
+        for col in range(0, x_grid_dimensions):
+            index = row * x_grid_dimensions + col
+            if index > (len(renderers) - 1):
+                # Add a renderer even if there is no actor.
+                # This makes the render window background all the same color.
+                ren = vtkRenderer(background=colors.GetColor3d('SlateGray'), viewport=viewports[index])
+                ren_win.AddRenderer(ren)
+                continue
+            renderers[index].ResetCamera()
+            renderers[index].GetActiveCamera().Azimuth(30)
+            renderers[index].GetActiveCamera().Elevation(-30)
+            renderers[index].ResetCameraClippingRange()
+    for i in range(0, len(titles)):
+        text_widgets[i].On()
+    iren.Initialize()
+    ren_win.Render()
+    iren.Start()
+# These functions return a vtkUnstructured grid corresponding to the object.
+def make_unstructured_grid(a_cell):
+    pcoords = a_cell.GetParametricCoords()
+    for i in range(0, a_cell.number_of_points):
+        a_cell.point_ids.SetId(i, i)
+        a_cell.points.SetPoint(i, (pcoords[3 * i]), (pcoords[3 * i + 1]), (pcoords[3 * i + 2]))
+    ug = vtkUnstructuredGrid(points=a_cell.points)
+    ug.InsertNextCell(a_cell.cell_type, a_cell.point_ids)
+    return ug
+def make_quadratic_polygon():
+    quadratic_polygon = vtkQuadraticPolygon()
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetNumberOfIds(8)
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetId(0, 0)
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetId(1, 1)
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetId(2, 2)
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetId(3, 3)
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetId(4, 4)
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetId(5, 5)
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetId(6, 6)
+    quadratic_polygon.point_ids.SetId(7, 7)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetNumberOfPoints(8)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(1, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(2, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(3, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(4, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(5, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(6, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(7, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+    quadratic_polygon.points.SetPoint(5, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+    ug = vtkUnstructuredGrid(points=quadratic_polygon.points)
+    ug.InsertNextCell(quadratic_polygon.cell_type, quadratic_polygon.point_ids)
+    return ug
+def get_unstructured_grids():
+    u_grids = list()
+    titles = list()
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticEdge()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE (= 21)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticTriangle()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE (= 22)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticQuad()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_QUAD (= 23)')
+    u_grids.append(make_quadratic_polygon())
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_POLYGON (= 36)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticTetra()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_TETRA (= 24)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticHexahedron()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON (= 25)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticWedge()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_WEDGE (= 26)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticPyramid()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID (= 27)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkBiQuadraticQuad()))
+    titles.append('VTK_BIQUADRATIC_QUAD (= 28)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkTriQuadraticHexahedron()))
+    titles.append('VTK_TRIQUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON (= 29)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticLinearQuad()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_LINEAR_QUAD (= 30)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkQuadraticLinearWedge()))
+    titles.append('VTK_QUADRATIC_LINEAR_WEDGE (= 31)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkBiQuadraticQuadraticWedge()))
+    titles.append('VTK_BIQUADRATIC_QUADRATIC_WEDGE (= 32)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkBiQuadraticQuadraticHexahedron()))
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkBiQuadraticTriangle()))
+    titles.append('VTK_BIQUADRATIC_TRIANGLE (= 34)')
+    u_grids.append(make_unstructured_grid(
+        vtkCubicLine()))
+    titles.append('VTK_CUBIC_LINE (= 35)')
+    return u_grids, titles
+def get_text_positions(names, justification=0, vertical_justification=0, width=0.96, height=0.1):
+    """
+    Get viewport positioning information for a list of names.
+    :param names: The list of names.
+    :param justification: Horizontal justification of the text, default is left.
+    :param vertical_justification: Vertical justification of the text, default is bottom.
+    :param width: Width of the bounding_box of the text in screen coordinates.
+    :param height: Height of the bounding_box of the text in screen coordinates.
+    :return: A list of positioning information.
+    """
+    # The gap between the left or right edge of the screen and the text.
+    dx = 0.02
+    width = abs(width)
+    if width > 0.96:
+        width = 0.96
+    y0 = 0.01
+    height = abs(height)
+    if height > 0.9:
+        height = 0.9
+    dy = height
+    if vertical_justification == TextProperty.VerticalJustification.VTK_TEXT_TOP:
+        y0 = 1.0 - (dy + y0)
+        dy = height
+    if vertical_justification == TextProperty.VerticalJustification.VTK_TEXT_CENTERED:
+        y0 = 0.5 - (dy / 2.0 + y0)
+        dy = height
+    name_len_min = 0
+    name_len_max = 0
+    first = True
+    for k in names:
+        sz = len(k)
+        if first:
+            name_len_min = name_len_max = sz
+            first = False
+        else:
+            name_len_min = min(name_len_min, sz)
+            name_len_max = max(name_len_max, sz)
+    text_positions = dict()
+    for k in names:
+        sz = len(k)
+        delta_sz = width * sz / name_len_max
+        if delta_sz > width:
+            delta_sz = width
+        if justification == TextProperty.Justification.VTK_TEXT_CENTERED:
+            x0 = 0.5 - delta_sz / 2.0
+        elif justification == TextProperty.Justification.VTK_TEXT_RIGHT:
+            x0 = 1.0 - dx - delta_sz
+        else:
+            # Default is left justification.
+            x0 = dx
+        # For debugging!
+        # print(
+        #     f'{k:16s}: (x0, y0) = ({x0:3.2f}, {y0:3.2f}), (x1, y1) = ({x0 + delta_sz:3.2f}, {y0 + dy:3.2f})'
+        #     f', width={delta_sz:3.2f}, height={dy:3.2f}')
+        text_positions[k] = {'p': [x0, y0, 0], 'p2': [delta_sz, dy, 0]}
+    return text_positions
+class TextProperty:
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class Justification:
+        VTK_TEXT_LEFT: int = 0
+        VTK_TEXT_CENTERED: int = 1
+        VTK_TEXT_RIGHT: int = 2
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class VerticalJustification:
+        VTK_TEXT_BOTTOM: int = 0
+        VTK_TEXT_CENTERED: int = 1
+        VTK_TEXT_TOP: int = 2
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/SourceObjectsDemo.py b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/SourceObjectsDemo.py
index 86849d1277fc2604d77289623e5f8dcd7f5616cf..c31d2652128729902883260451cde521491272e2 100755
--- a/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/SourceObjectsDemo.py
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/SourceObjectsDemo.py
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ def main():
-    for i in range(0, len(source_objects)):
+    for i in range(0, len(text_widgets)):
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TessellatedBoxSource.md b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TessellatedBoxSource.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59b7b0b92ca3b4e89735ebd3a1ea3012531a06b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TessellatedBoxSource.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+### Description
+Generates a box(cube) using vtkTessellatedBoxSource with 6 sides. The faces of the box can be subdivided into multiple
+triangles or quads.
+!!! seealso
+    [Cube](../Cube) generates multiple quads or triangles per side.
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TessellatedBoxSource.py b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TessellatedBoxSource.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..976ec90a4dbffbf8e1588e433af963c9332d906f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TessellatedBoxSource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonColor import vtkNamedColors
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel import vtkAlgorithm
+from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersGeneral import vtkShrinkFilter
+from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersSources import vtkTessellatedBoxSource
+from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (
+    vtkActor,
+    vtkDataSetMapper,
+    vtkProperty,
+    vtkRenderWindow,
+    vtkRenderWindowInteractor,
+    vtkRenderer
+def main():
+    colors = vtkNamedColors()
+    bounds = [-10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 20.0, -5.0, 5.0]
+    box_source = vtkTessellatedBoxSource(level=3, quads=True, bounds=bounds,
+                                         output_points_precision=vtkAlgorithm.SINGLE_PRECISION)
+    shrink = vtkShrinkFilter(shrink_factor=0.8)
+    # Create a mapper and actor.
+    mapper = vtkDataSetMapper()
+    box_source >> shrink >> mapper
+    back = vtkProperty()
+    back.color = colors.GetColor3d('Tomato')
+    actor = vtkActor(mapper=mapper)
+    actor.property.edge_visibility = True
+    actor.property.color = colors.GetColor3d('Banana')
+    actor.backface_property = back
+    # Create a renderer, render window, and interactor.
+    renderer = vtkRenderer(background=colors.GetColor3d('Silver'))
+    render_window = vtkRenderWindow(size=(640, 480), window_name='TessellatedBoxSource')
+    render_window.AddRenderer(renderer)
+    render_window_interactor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
+    render_window_interactor.render_window = render_window
+    # Add the actors to the scene.
+    renderer.AddActor(actor)
+    renderer.ResetCamera()
+    renderer.GetActiveCamera().Azimuth(30)
+    renderer.GetActiveCamera().Elevation(30)
+    renderer.ResetCameraClippingRange()
+    # Render and interact.
+    render_window.Render()
+    render_window_interactor.Start()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/IO/3DSImporter.md b/src/PythonicAPI/IO/3DSImporter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f564706aef6a38cf198fd87fa6aa6dfd40d663c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/IO/3DSImporter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+### Description
+This example illustrates Importing files in VTK. An importer creates a vtkRenderWindow that describes the scene.
+!!! info
+    See [Figure 4-13](../../../VTKBook/04Chapter4/#Figure%204-13) in [Chapter 4](../../../VTKBook/04Chapter4) the [VTK Textbook](../../../VTKBook/01Chapter1).
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/IO/3DSImporter.py b/src/PythonicAPI/IO/3DSImporter.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7975009c31f078ef03d52a2b5167d6a699ca17e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/IO/3DSImporter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonColor import vtkNamedColors
+from vtkmodules.vtkIOImport import vtk3DSImporter
+from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (
+    vtkCamera,
+    vtkRenderWindow,
+    vtkRenderWindowInteractor,
+    vtkRenderer
+def main():
+    file_name = get_program_parameters()
+    importer = vtk3DSImporter(file_name=file_name, compute_normals=True)
+    colors = vtkNamedColors()
+    renderer = vtkRenderer(gradient_background=True,
+                           background=colors.GetColor3d('Wheat'),
+                           background2=colors.GetColor3d('Gold'))
+    ren_win = vtkRenderWindow(window_name='3DSImporter')
+    iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
+    ren_win.AddRenderer(renderer)
+    iren.render_window = ren_win
+    importer.render_window = ren_win
+    # importer.Read()
+    importer.Update()
+    actors = renderer.GetActors()  # This is a vtkActorCollection
+    print('There are', actors.GetNumberOfItems(), 'actors.')
+    ren_win.Render()
+    camera = vtkCamera()
+    camera.position = (0, -1, 0)
+    camera.focal_point = (0, 0, 0)
+    camera.view_up = (0, 0, 1)
+    camera.Azimuth(150)
+    camera.Elevation(30)
+    renderer.SetActiveCamera(camera)
+    renderer.ResetCamera()
+    renderer.ResetCameraClippingRange()
+    ren_win.Render()
+    iren.Start()
+def get_program_parameters():
+    import argparse
+    description = 'Importing a 3ds file.'
+    epilogue = '''
+   '''
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilogue,
+                                     formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument('filename', help='iflamingo.3ds.')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args.filename
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/IO/TransientHDFReader.md b/src/PythonicAPI/IO/TransientHDFReader.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2eb9305da68f9b19e883fb0467a2d09b2fb59b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/IO/TransientHDFReader.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+### Description
+That example uses a feature of vtk_hdf5 that is only available in [vtk/master](https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk) and will be released with VTK 9.3. See [this blog post](https://www.kitware.com/how-to-write-time-dependent-data-in-vtkhdf-files/) for more information.
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/IO/TransientHDFReader.py b/src/PythonicAPI/IO/TransientHDFReader.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f83996d1ea211bc1bf97d6681762013427228c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/IO/TransientHDFReader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingContextOpenGL2
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonColor import vtkNamedColors
+from vtkmodules.vtkIOHDF import vtkHDFReader
+from vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle import vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera
+from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (
+    vtkActor,
+    vtkDiscretizableColorTransferFunction,
+    vtkPolyDataMapper,
+    vtkRenderWindow,
+    vtkRenderWindowInteractor,
+    vtkRenderer
+def get_program_parameters():
+    import argparse
+    description = 'Read transient data writen inside a vtkhdf file.'
+    epilogue = ''''''
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilogue,
+                                     formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument('file_name', help='warping_spheres.vtkhdf')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args.file_name
+def main():
+    fn = get_program_parameters()
+    colors = vtkNamedColors()
+    # Read the dataset.
+    reader = vtkHDFReader(file_name=fn)
+    reader.update()
+    print('Number of steps: ', reader.GetNumberOfSteps())
+    # Render the dataset.
+    mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper(lookup_table=get_ctf(),
+                               scalar_mode=Mapper.ScalarMode.VTK_SCALAR_MODE_USE_POINT_FIELD_DATA)
+    mapper.SelectColorArray('SpatioTemporalHarmonics')
+    reader >> mapper
+    actor = vtkActor(mapper=mapper)
+    # actor.SetMapper(mapper)
+    renderer = vtkRenderer(background=colors.GetColor3d('Wheat'))
+    # renderer.SetBackground(colors.GetColor3d('Wheat'))
+    renderer.UseHiddenLineRemovalOn()
+    renderer.AddActor(actor)
+    ren_win = vtkRenderWindow(size=(1024, 512), window_name='TransientHDFReader')
+    ren_win.AddRenderer(renderer)
+    ren_win.Render()
+    # Add the interactor.
+    iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
+    iren.render_window = ren_win
+    # Add the animation callback.
+    observer = AnimationObserver(iren, reader)
+    # You must initialize the vtkRenderWindowInteractor
+    # before adding the observer and setting the repeating timer.
+    iren.Initialize()
+    iren.AddObserver('TimerEvent', observer)
+    iren.CreateRepeatingTimer(50)
+    i_style = vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera()
+    iren.SetInteractorStyle(i_style)
+    iren.Start()
+def get_ctf():
+    ctf = vtkDiscretizableColorTransferFunction(color_space=ColorTransferFunction.ColorSpace.VTK_CTF_LAB,
+                                                scale=ColorTransferFunction.Scale.VTK_CTF_LINEAR,
+                                                number_of_values=46, discretize=False,
+                                                )
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-30.3399130649763, 0.0862745098039216, 0.00392156862745098, 0.298039215686275)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-29.3502559661865, 0.113725, 0.0235294, 0.45098)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-28.5283393859863, 0.105882, 0.0509804, 0.509804)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-27.958028793335, 0.0392157, 0.0392157, 0.560784)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-27.4044914245605, 0.0313725, 0.0980392, 0.6)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-26.8677291870117, 0.0431373, 0.164706, 0.639216)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-26.096134185791, 0.054902, 0.243137, 0.678431)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-25.0729293823242, 0.054902, 0.317647, 0.709804)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-23.8148933330084, 0.0509804, 0.396078, 0.741176)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-22.9992658665124, 0.0392157, 0.466667, 0.768627)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-22.1836384000164, 0.0313725, 0.537255, 0.788235)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-21.3323650360107, 0.0313725, 0.615686, 0.811765)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-20.4601268768311, 0.0235294, 0.709804, 0.831373)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-19.5878868103027, 0.0509804, 0.8, 0.85098)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-18.8666133880615, 0.0705882, 0.854902, 0.870588)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-18.1956596374512, 0.262745, 0.901961, 0.862745)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-17.6085758209229, 0.423529, 0.941176, 0.87451)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-16.7027893066406, 0.572549, 0.964706, 0.835294)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-16.0989303588867, 0.658824, 0.980392, 0.843137)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-15.6628112792969, 0.764706, 0.980392, 0.866667)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-15.1931447982788, 0.827451, 0.980392, 0.886275)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-14.2705841064453, 0.913725, 0.988235, 0.937255)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-13.9854288101196, 1, 1, 0.972549019607843)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-13.7002735137939, 0.988235, 0.980392, 0.870588)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-13.2809276580811, 0.992156862745098, 0.972549019607843, 0.803921568627451)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-12.9622249603271, 0.992157, 0.964706, 0.713725)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-12.4254627227783, 0.988235, 0.956863, 0.643137)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-11.5699977874756, 0.980392, 0.917647, 0.509804)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-10.8487224578857, 0.968627, 0.87451, 0.407843)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-10.1106739044189, 0.94902, 0.823529, 0.321569)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-9.57391166687012, 0.929412, 0.776471, 0.278431)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-8.78554153442383, 0.909804, 0.717647, 0.235294)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-8.08104133605957, 0.890196, 0.658824, 0.196078)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-7.50234400308847, 0.878431, 0.619608, 0.168627)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-6.68671653659248, 0.870588, 0.54902, 0.156863)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-5.87108907009648, 0.85098, 0.47451, 0.145098)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-5.05546160360049, 0.831373, 0.411765, 0.133333)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-4.23983413710449, 0.811765, 0.345098, 0.113725)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-3.4242066706085, 0.788235, 0.266667, 0.0941176)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-2.6085792041125, 0.741176, 0.184314, 0.0745098)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-1.79295173761651, 0.690196, 0.12549, 0.0627451)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-0.977324271120517, 0.619608, 0.0627451, 0.0431373)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(-0.214114964008331, 0.54902, 0.027451, 0.0705882)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(0.456838220357895, 0.470588, 0.0156863, 0.0901961)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(1.21166050434113, 0.4, 0.00392157, 0.101961)
+    ctf.AddRGBPoint(2.28518559486346, 0.188235294117647, 0, 0.0705882352941176)
+    return ctf
+class AnimationObserver(object):
+    def __init__(self, interactor, reader):
+        self.interactor = interactor
+        self.reader = reader
+    def __call__(self, caller, ev):
+        step = 0 if (self.reader.step == self.reader.GetNumberOfSteps() - 1) else self.reader.step + 1
+        self.reader.SetStep(step)
+        print(f'Current step: {self.reader.step:3d}')
+        self.reader.update()
+        self.interactor.Render()
+class ColorTransferFunction:
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class ColorSpace:
+        VTK_CTF_RGB: int = 0
+        VTK_CTF_HSV: int = 1
+        VTK_CTF_LAB: int = 2
+        VTK_CTF_DIVERGING: int = 3
+        VTK_CTF_LAB_CIEDE2000: int = 4
+        VTK_CTF_STEP: int = 5
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class Scale:
+        VTK_CTF_LINEAR: int = 0
+        VTK_CTF_LOG10: int = 1
+class Mapper:
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class ColorMode:
+        VTK_COLOR_MODE_DEFAULT: int = 0
+        VTK_COLOR_MODE_MAP_SCALARS: int = 1
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class ResolveCoincidentTopology:
+        VTK_RESOLVE_OFF: int = 0
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class ScalarMode:
+        VTK_SCALAR_MODE_DEFAULT: int = 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/Images/ImageWarp.py b/src/PythonicAPI/Images/ImageWarp.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02834ce99dd1685d762f350b63f9154c61240f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/Images/ImageWarp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonColor import vtkNamedColors
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkLogger
+from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersCore import vtkMergeFilter
+from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersGeneral import vtkWarpScalar
+from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersGeometry import vtkImageDataGeometryFilter
+from vtkmodules.vtkIOImage import vtkBMPReader
+from vtkmodules.vtkImagingColor import vtkImageLuminance
+from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (
+    vtkActor,
+    vtkDataSetMapper,
+    vtkRenderWindow,
+    vtkRenderWindowInteractor,
+    vtkRenderer
+def main():
+    # This turns off the merge filter warnings.
+    vtkLogger.SetStderrVerbosity(vtkLogger.VERBOSITY_OFF)
+    file_name = get_program_parameters()
+    colors = vtkNamedColors()
+    # Set the background color.
+    colors.SetColor('BkgColor', 60, 93, 144, 255)
+    # Read in an image and compute a luminance value. The image is extracted
+    # as a set of polygons (vtkImageDataGeometryFilter). We then will
+    # warp the plane using the scalar (luminance) values.
+    reader = vtkBMPReader(file_name=file_name)
+    # Convert the image to a grey scale.
+    luminance = vtkImageLuminance()
+    # Pass the data to the pipeline as polygons.
+    geometry = vtkImageDataGeometryFilter()
+    # Warp the data in a direction perpendicular to the image plane.
+    warp = vtkWarpScalar(scale_factor=-0.1)
+    reader >> luminance >> geometry >> warp
+    # Use vtkMergeFilter to combine the original image with the warped geometry.
+    merge = vtkMergeFilter(geometry_connection=warp.GetOutputPort(), scalars_connection=reader.GetOutputPort())
+    mapper = vtkDataSetMapper(scalar_range=(0, 255))
+    merge >> mapper
+    actor = vtkActor(mapper=mapper)
+    # Create the rendering window, renderer, and interactive renderer.
+    ren = vtkRenderer(background=colors.GetColor3d('BkgColor'))
+    ren_win = vtkRenderWindow(size=(512, 512), window_name='ImageWarp')
+    ren_win.AddRenderer(ren)
+    iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
+    iren.render_window = ren_win
+    # Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size.
+    ren.AddActor(actor)
+    ren.ResetCamera()
+    # ren.active_camera.Azimuth(20)
+    # ren.active_camera.Elevation(30)
+    # ren.ResetCameraClippingRange()
+    # ren.active_camera.Zoom(1.3)
+    ren.active_camera.position = (-100, -130, 325)
+    ren.active_camera.focal_point = (105, 114, -29)
+    ren.active_camera.view_up = (0.51, 0.54, 0.67)
+    ren.ResetCameraClippingRange()
+    # Render the image.
+    iren.Initialize()
+    iren.Start()
+def get_program_parameters():
+    import argparse
+    description = 'ImageWarp.'
+    epilogue = '''
+This example shows how to combine data from both the imaging
+ and graphics pipelines. The vtkMergeData filter is used to
+ merge the data from each together.
+   '''
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilogue,
+                                     formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument('fileName', help='Path to the masonry.bmp file.')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args.fileName
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/src/PythonicAPI/Widgets/BalloonWidget.py b/src/PythonicAPI/Widgets/BalloonWidget.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92c49f382377e2c783194e2f8c532845129e3dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PythonicAPI/Widgets/BalloonWidget.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle
+# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2
+from vtkmodules.vtkCommonColor import vtkNamedColors
+from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersSources import (
+    vtkRegularPolygonSource,
+    vtkSphereSource
+from vtkmodules.vtkInteractionWidgets import (
+    vtkBalloonRepresentation,
+    vtkBalloonWidget
+from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (
+    vtkActor,
+    vtkPolyDataMapper,
+    vtkRenderWindow,
+    vtkRenderWindowInteractor,
+    vtkRenderer,
+    vtkTextProperty
+def main():
+    colors = vtkNamedColors()
+    # Sphere.
+    sphere_source = vtkSphereSource(center=(-4.0, 0.0, 0.0), radius=4.0)
+    sphere_mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper()
+    sphere_source >> sphere_mapper
+    sphere_actor = vtkActor(mapper=sphere_mapper)
+    sphere_actor.property.color = colors.GetColor3d('MistyRose')
+    # Regular Polygon.
+    regular_polygon_source = vtkRegularPolygonSource(center=(4.0, 0.0, 0.0), radius=4.0)
+    regular_polygon_mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper()
+    regular_polygon_source >> regular_polygon_mapper
+    regular_polygon_actor = vtkActor(mapper=regular_polygon_mapper)
+    regular_polygon_actor.property.color = colors.GetColor3d('Cornsilk')
+    # A renderer and render window.
+    ren = vtkRenderer(background=colors.GetColor3d('SlateGray'))
+    ren_win = vtkRenderWindow(window_name='BalloonWidget')
+    ren_win.AddRenderer(ren)
+    # An interactor.
+    iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
+    iren.SetRenderWindow(ren_win)
+    # Create the widget.
+    # Do not set the justification.
+    text_property = vtkTextProperty(color=colors.GetColor3d('Black'),
+                                    bold=False, italic=False, shadow=False,
+                                    font_size=16,
+                                    )
+    balloon_rep = vtkBalloonRepresentation(balloon_layout=vtkBalloonRepresentation.ImageRight,
+                                           text_property=text_property)
+    balloon_widget = vtkBalloonWidget(interactor=iren, representation=balloon_rep)
+    balloon_widget.AddBalloon(sphere_actor, 'This is a sphere')
+    balloon_widget.AddBalloon(regular_polygon_actor, 'This is a regular polygon')
+    # Add the actors to the scene.
+    ren.AddActor(sphere_actor)
+    ren.AddActor(regular_polygon_actor)
+    # Render an image (lights and cameras are created automatically).
+    ren_win.Render()
+    balloon_widget.enabled = True
+    # Begin mouse interaction.
+    iren.Start()
+    iren.Initialize()
+class TextProperty:
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class Justification:
+        VTK_TEXT_LEFT: int = 0
+        VTK_TEXT_CENTERED: int = 1
+        VTK_TEXT_RIGHT: int = 2
+    @dataclass(frozen=True)
+    class VerticalJustification:
+        VTK_TEXT_BOTTOM: int = 0
+        VTK_TEXT_CENTERED: int = 1
+        VTK_TEXT_TOP: int = 2
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TestIsoparametricCellsDemo.png b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TestIsoparametricCellsDemo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf04637bc3964a0762877bd560862ff6b9833a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TestIsoparametricCellsDemo.png
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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+size 255538
diff --git a/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TestTessellatedBoxSource.png b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TestTessellatedBoxSource.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ca1cff6e551b4b708bad47bc9f216adf2cede48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/GeometricObjects/TestTessellatedBoxSource.png
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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+oid sha256:33ce26107489c4458b151170100a6ff800c084eda29745c412542c33333908a5
+size 20056
diff --git a/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/IO/Test3DSImporter.png b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/IO/Test3DSImporter.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0efb12b8b09e75a59002baa0f4a6f6ef8f5c3faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/IO/Test3DSImporter.png
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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diff --git a/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/IO/TestTransientHDFReader.png b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/IO/TestTransientHDFReader.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6054c2757dcfe29bfe742561297b99154a381941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/IO/TestTransientHDFReader.png
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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+size 53670
diff --git a/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/Images/TestImageWarp.png b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/Images/TestImageWarp.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fb73c11d8988160c1ab0944396327840f5b604b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/Images/TestImageWarp.png
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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+oid sha256:94a4539dea22726bed9e55af61d971c782af3170ea60a61e7ea090ca025244e3
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diff --git a/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/Widgets/TestBalloonWidget.png b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/Widgets/TestBalloonWidget.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66405629f2aedef884adaa4472f33e3dea8fd3b1
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+++ b/src/Testing/Baseline/PythonicAPI/Widgets/TestBalloonWidget.png
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