diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 21590cc303fb01ce3d98e19e186e8d7769ab3c46..a8f698f342c45c259c5cf992e07e9545d8c01c36 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.htm
 ## Version 0.8.2 - Unreleased
+### Added
+* The "type" of a `Value` can now be set to "smartcast:legacy" for explicit old behavior or "smartcast:v1" for the new candidate behavior.
 ### Changed
 * The `Value` class can now take `default` as a keyword argument for better
diff --git a/scriptconfig/argparse_ext.py b/scriptconfig/argparse_ext.py
index 5831a80cf8e33dc663f65ec7608a45ab161353f5..4370b20fb8ffaf0c240ec8eb1887afcd0689e5e4 100644
--- a/scriptconfig/argparse_ext.py
+++ b/scriptconfig/argparse_ext.py
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class BooleanFlagOrKeyValAction(_Base):
         >>>     assert ns['flag'] == want
     def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, default=None, required=False,
-                 help=None):
+                 help=None, type=None):
         _option_strings = []
         for option_string in option_strings:
@@ -109,11 +109,15 @@ class BooleanFlagOrKeyValAction(_Base):
         actionkw = dict(
             option_strings=_option_strings, dest=dest, default=default,
-            type=None, choices=None, required=required, help=help,
+            type=type, choices=None, required=required, help=help,
         # Either the zero arg flag form or the 1 arg key/value form.
         actionkw['nargs'] = '?'
+        # not sure if type is supported here. Hacking it in to fix
+        # interaction of smartcast and isflag
+        # self._hacked_in_type = type
         # Hack because of the Store Base for configargparse support
         argparse.Action.__init__(self, **actionkw)
         # super().__init__(**actionkw)
@@ -148,7 +152,7 @@ class BooleanFlagOrKeyValAction(_Base):
             # Allow for non-boolean values (i.e. auto) to be passed
             from scriptconfig import smartcast as smartcast_mod
-            value = smartcast_mod.smartcast(values)
+            value = smartcast_mod.smartcast(values, action.type)
             # value = smartcast_mod._smartcast_bool(values)
             if not key_default:
                 value = not value
diff --git a/scriptconfig/value.py b/scriptconfig/value.py
index a7a551b66e0aef8eae084b3ffe53b6a556ac703c..ebcfb53232e24163a090f19b8ab44a5eecd1baec 100644
--- a/scriptconfig/value.py
+++ b/scriptconfig/value.py
@@ -267,6 +267,10 @@ class Path(Value):
     Note this is mean to be used only with scriptconfig.Config.
     It does NOT represent a pathlib object.
+    NOTE:
+        Not well maintained or used, may be removed or refactored in the
+        future.
     def __init__(self, value=None, help=None, alias=None):
         super(Path, self).__init__(value, str, help=help, alias=alias)
@@ -281,6 +285,10 @@ class PathList(Value):
     Can be specified as a list or as a globstr
+    NOTE:
+        Not well maintained or used, may be removed or refactored in the
+        future.
         will fail if there are any commas in the path name
@@ -378,7 +386,7 @@ def _value_add_argument_to_parser(value, _value, self, parser, key, fuzzy_hyphen
     if isflag:
         # Can we support both flag and setitem methods of cli
         # parsing?
-        argkw.pop('type', None)
+        # argkw.pop('type', None)
         argkw.pop('choices', None)
         argkw.pop('action', None)
         argkw.pop('nargs', None)
@@ -389,6 +397,20 @@ def _value_add_argument_to_parser(value, _value, self, parser, key, fuzzy_hyphen
             argkw['action'] = argparse_ext.BooleanFlagOrKeyValAction
+    if isinstance(argkw.get('type', None), str):
+        # Coerce the type into a callable. We may need to do this in other
+        # places if so, we should factor out common code.
+        if argkw['type'] == 'smartcast':
+            argkw['type'] = smartcast_mod.smartcast
+        elif argkw['type'] == 'smartcast:v1':
+            from functools import partial
+            argkw['type'] = partial(smartcast_mod.smartcast, allow_split=False)
+        elif argkw['type'] == 'smartcast:legacy':
+            from functools import partial
+            argkw['type'] = partial(smartcast_mod.smartcast, allow_split=True)
+        else:
+            raise KeyError(f'Unknown special type key: {argkw["type"]}')
         parent.add_argument(*option_strings, required=required, **argkw)
     except Exception:
diff --git a/tests/test_smartcast_issues.py b/tests/test_smartcast_issues.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40f2c7f756b7b1d8f04116bcc3f89f4ab2a0f283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_smartcast_issues.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+def test_smartcast_interaction_with_isflag_type_is_respected():
+    """
+    In 0.8.1, when isflag=True, the type parameter was not respected.
+    CommandLine:
+        xdoctest -m tests/test_smartcast_issues.py test_smartcast_interaction_with_isflag_type_is_respected
+    """
+    import scriptconfig as scfg
+    import ubelt as ub
+    class MyConfig(scfg.DataConfig):
+        param1 = scfg.Value(1, type=str, isflag=True)
+        param2 = scfg.Value(2, type=str)
+        param3 = scfg.Value(3, type='smartcast:legacy', isflag=True)
+        param4 = scfg.Value(4, type='smartcast:legacy')
+    # Check that no splitting occurs when type=str and isflag=True
+    config1 = MyConfig.cli(argv='--param1=1,2,3 --param2=1,2,3 --param3=1,2,3 --param4=1,2,3')
+    types1 = ub.udict(config1).map_values(lambda x: type(x).__name__)
+    print(f'types = {ub.urepr(types1, nl=1)}')
+    assert types1 == {'param1': 'str', 'param2': 'str', 'param3': 'list', 'param4': 'list'}
+def test_smartcast_interaction_with_isflag_flagform_still_works():
+    """
+    Make sure that specifying a type of str does not impact the flagform of a CLI.
+    CommandLine:
+        xdoctest -m tests/test_smartcast_issues.py test_smartcast_interaction_with_isflag_flagform_still_works
+    """
+    # Check that no splitting occurs when type=str and isflag=True
+    import scriptconfig as scfg
+    import ubelt as ub
+    class MyConfig(scfg.DataConfig):
+        param1 = scfg.Value(0, type=str, isflag=True)
+        param3 = scfg.Value(0, type='smartcast:legacy', isflag=True)
+    config = dict(MyConfig.cli(argv=''))
+    print(f'config = {ub.urepr(config, nl=1)}')
+    assert config == {'param1': 0, 'param3': 0}
+    config = dict(MyConfig.cli(argv='--param1 --param3'))
+    print(f'config = {ub.urepr(config, nl=1)}')
+    assert config == {'param1': True, 'param3': True}
+    config = dict(MyConfig.cli(argv='--no-param1 --no-param3'))
+    print(f'config = {ub.urepr(config, nl=1)}')
+    assert config == {'param1': False, 'param3': False}