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Add the ability to create an issue , a milestone, a label into a project

VC requested to merge (removed):master into master

This adds the ability to create remotely issues/milestones/labels on a Gitlab project:

  • with a new function new which creates an empty Issue or Milestone or Label (defaults all parameters except for a few mandatory ones)
  • with some builder functions to adjust the default parameters (add description, assignees, due date, etc…)
  • creates a type-safe LabelId and type-safe LabelColor for label creation

I realize this is not the ideal way of doing it: for issues, the only mandatory parameter on the Gitlab API is the title of the issue. rust-gitlab makes ProjectId and author mandatory (they cannot be empty as far as I know).

For the other part (Milestone and Label), there are some similar issues.

This also hasn't been tested on Gitlab EE (as I only have access to Gitlab CE instances).

Sample code here:

(and sorry for changing the merge request: that was absolutely not my intention, I would have put a 'WIP' in the title otherwise. I didn't realize that I modified the master branch on my side)

Edited by VC

Merge request reports