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  • Dave Pugmire's avatar
    Merge topic 'dataset-builder2' · a5972e6a
    Dave Pugmire authored and Kitware Robot's avatar Kitware Robot committed
    f86382f0 Fix support for CoordinateSystems using ArrayHandleCartesianProduct.
    d6a2a142 Add toleranced compare for values. Add tests for vtkm::Float32,Float64,Id typed arrays.
    5d438353 Add toleranced comparisions for bounds validation. Also, add vtkm::Float32 and vtkm::Float64 to the testing for rectilinear and regular datasets.
    b225ae97 Rectilinear coordinates (created with DataSetBuilderRectilinear) are now converted to vtkm::FloatDefault. This reduces the number of types to consider when casting inside CoordinateSystem, and was felt by all to be a reasonable restriction.
    d755e43d Use ArrayHandleCompositeVector to represent separated point arrays for DataSetBuilderExplicit.h.
    c7b0ffb8 Add tests for DataSetBuilderExplicit. Added cont/testing/ExplicitTestData.h which includes several explicit datasets.  These datasets come from VTK data generated in VisIt.  The new unit tests build datasets in several different ways and do some basic validation.
    b4d04fff Add specialization of printSummary_ArrayHandle for UInt8. It prints them as characters, which are a little hard to understand to this computer scientist.
     Fix compiler warnings.
    Acked-by: default avatarKitware Robot <>
    Acked-by: default avatarKenneth Moreland <>
    Merge-request: !262