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  • brugger's avatar
    · e78ba78e
    brugger authored
    I added support for OpenSWR. OpenSWR is an Intel software renderer that 
    is now part of Mesa. OpenSWR should not be enabled with mesa. To build
    OpenSWR add the following flags "--llvm --openswr" to the build_visit 
    command line. When you build visit with OpenSWR support it will use the 
    Mesa llvmpipe renderer by default. To enable the OpenSWR renderer you 
    will need to set the GALLIUM_DRIVER environment variable to swr (e.g. 
    "setenv GALLIUM_DRIVER swr"). When VisIt runs with OpenSWR it will print 
    "SWR detected AVX" or "SWR detected AVX2" to the terminal depending on 
    the type of Intel CPU you are running on.
    git-svn-id: 18c085ea-50e0-402c-830e-de6fd14e8384