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  • brugger's avatar
    · c9bfda4b
    brugger authored
    1) I modified the list of launchers in the host profile window of the gui
       including removing psub/prun, qsub/srun, and yod, and adding msub/srun
       and qsub/mpirun.  I also alphabetized the list since I had a hard time
       justifying the current order and didn't have a better one.
       I then made corresponding changes in the internal launcher. This includes
       removing the yod launch method and enhancing the qsub launch method to
       also support msub (they have the same syntax for what we are using) and
       adding support for mpirun as a sublauncher.  While I was in there I made
       some other qsub enhancements including adding support for banks, improving
       the support for time limits, and fixing a couple of bugs.
    2) I removed the host profiles for sphere, updated the host profiles for
       prism to use msub (Moab), and updated the host profiles for ellipse to
       use qsub.
    3) I deleted the old ellipse config site file (at the Flash center) and
       replaced it with a new one.
    git-svn-id: 18c085ea-50e0-402c-830e-de6fd14e8384