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  • miller86's avatar
    I added Absname and Normalize methods for strings representing filename paths · f9a49459
    miller86 authored
    to StringHelpers.
    I added ability to read nodeset enumerations from Silo MRG Trees as described
    in a recent stakeholder meeting on the topic.
    I refactored code supporting arbitrary polyehdra so that both 'normal' Silo
    zonelists with DB_ZONETYPE_POLYHEDRON zones as well as Silo PHzonelists would
    use the same code and logic to detect zoo-type zones as well as decompose
    truly arbitrary zones into zoo-type zones.
    Test suite should pass with these changes. I also have some tests I will
    commit related to these changes later.
    git-svn-id: 18c085ea-50e0-402c-830e-de6fd14e8384