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  • fogal1's avatar
    Invalidate the transparency cache earlier. · c3c6e49c
    fogal1 authored
    In some cases, we'd render earlier than expected, before getting
    through RenderSetup.  The cache would be at it's old value then
    (except on first renderings!), and wouldn't know to recalculate.
    By invalidating here, we'll force this to get recalculated if some
    code needs to know about transparencies before RenderSetup
    AFAICT, this also means that `simple' re-renders, such as rotating
    the volume, will cause the calculation (and ensuing global
    communication) to occur.  This is undesirable, but no worse than a
    week ago.
    git-svn-id: 18c085ea-50e0-402c-830e-de6fd14e8384