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  • hrchilds's avatar
    Committed Vs fixes from Marc Durant of Tech-X. · 6eabd71f
    hrchilds authored
    1) Plugin should now compile on Windows (only tested on one machine at
           -Added a CMakeLists.txt file because plugin will now compile on
    Mac, Linux, and Windows.
    2) Fixed "infinite loop closing hdf5" bug
    3) Moved initial file I/O from avtVsFileFormat constructor to
           -Now throw an "invalidFilesException" when asked to open a file
    that does not include VizSchema markup
    4) Fixed memory leak caused by our multi-domain variables not deleting
    blocks properly
    5) Cleaned up several erroneous debugging messages
    6) Cleaned up several variable names left over from an old refactoring
    git-svn-id: 18c085ea-50e0-402c-830e-de6fd14e8384