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  • Tim Tautges's avatar
    Various smallish bug fixes and minor changes, improving the use of SpatialLocator. · 70907150
    Tim Tautges authored
    ElemEvaluator: in set_ent_handle, if there's no evalSet for that entity type, call EvalSet::get_eval_set
    SpatialLocator: set the evaluator on the tree if it's not the same as what's on SpatialLocator; also, replace find_point logic
      (that used distance_search for some reason) with call to Tree::point_search.
    AdaptiveKDTree: move parse_options to public function, as it is in Tree
    BVHTree: fixed bug, where BVHTree had its own myEval shadowing the one declared in Tree
    Tree: fixed bug, initialize myEval to NULL in constructor
    spatial_locator_test: test trees with and without evaluators
    DataCoupler: improving comments a bit, and move ParallelComm down in arg list for constructor; also, some
      improved comments
    datacoupler_test: adding test
    Passes make check in parallel.