diff --git a/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Cxx/CMakeLists.txt b/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Cxx/CMakeLists.txt
index 5e33c5c7a31482d6d35cba4d3fcea2d569c9d925..de90b11151eeec56055e8be2153699d1262fd856 100644
--- a/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Cxx/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Cxx/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ vtk_add_test_cxx(${vtk-module}CxxTests tests
+  TestGlyph3DMapperEdges.cxx
diff --git a/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Cxx/TestGlyph3DMapperEdges.cxx b/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Cxx/TestGlyph3DMapperEdges.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03ed19d9a65fbdd09250d6be634860f4c011eb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Cxx/TestGlyph3DMapperEdges.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+  Program:   Visualization Toolkit
+  Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+  All rights reserved.
+  See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
+     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
+#include "vtkTestUtilities.h"
+#include "vtkRegressionTestImage.h"
+#include "vtkActor.h"
+#include "vtkCamera.h"
+#include "vtkElevationFilter.h"
+#include "vtkGlyph3DMapper.h"
+#include "vtkNew.h"
+#include "vtkPlaneSource.h"
+#include "vtkPointData.h"
+#include "vtkProperty.h"
+#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
+#include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
+#include "vtkRenderer.h"
+#include "vtkSphereSource.h"
+int TestGlyph3DMapperEdges(int argc, char* argv[])
+  int res=1;
+  vtkNew<vtkPlaneSource> plane;
+  plane->SetResolution(res,res);
+  vtkNew<vtkElevationFilter> colors;
+  colors->SetInputConnection(plane->GetOutputPort());
+  colors->SetLowPoint(-1,-1,-1);
+  colors->SetHighPoint(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+  vtkNew<vtkSphereSource> squad;
+  squad->SetPhiResolution(5);
+  squad->SetThetaResolution(9);
+  vtkNew<vtkGlyph3DMapper> glypher;
+  glypher->SetInputConnection(colors->GetOutputPort());
+  glypher->SetScaleFactor(1.2);
+  glypher->SetSourceConnection(squad->GetOutputPort());
+  vtkNew<vtkActor> glyphActor1;
+  glyphActor1->SetMapper(glypher.Get());
+  glyphActor1->GetProperty()->SetEdgeVisibility(1);
+  glyphActor1->GetProperty()->SetEdgeColor(1.0,0.5,0.5);
+  // glyphActor1->GetProperty()->SetRenderLinesAsTubes(1);
+  // glyphActor1->GetProperty()->SetLineWidth(5);
+  // Standard rendering classes
+  vtkNew<vtkRenderer> renderer;
+  vtkNew<vtkRenderWindow> renWin;
+  renWin->AddRenderer(renderer.Get());
+  renWin->SetMultiSamples(0);
+  vtkNew<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> iren;
+  iren->SetRenderWindow(renWin.Get());
+  //set up the view
+  renderer->SetBackground(0.2,0.2,0.2);
+  renWin->SetSize(300,300);
+  renderer->AddActor(glyphActor1.Get());
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //run the test
+  renderer->ResetCamera();
+  renderer->GetActiveCamera()->Zoom(1.3);
+  renWin->Render();
+  int retVal = vtkRegressionTestImage( renWin.Get() );
+  if ( retVal == vtkRegressionTester::DO_INTERACTOR)
+  {
+    iren->Start();
+  }
+  return !retVal;
diff --git a/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Data/Baseline/TestGlyph3DMapperEdges.png.md5 b/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Data/Baseline/TestGlyph3DMapperEdges.png.md5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ea979726a6500a844a55b10e15fbf5ac9db7751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Rendering/OpenGL2/Testing/Data/Baseline/TestGlyph3DMapperEdges.png.md5
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper.cxx b/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper.cxx
index bc80a8de42ab84f6f553366d83881d0c0363dc11..130a4a65175be2eb676621c7a5e352bb590b7528 100644
--- a/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper.cxx
+++ b/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper.cxx
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper()
   this->NormalMatrixBuffer = vtkOpenGLBufferObject::New();
   this->MatrixBuffer = vtkOpenGLBufferObject::New();
   this->ColorBuffer = vtkOpenGLBufferObject::New();
-  this->ModelTransformMatrix = NULL;
-  this->ModelNormalMatrix = NULL;
-  this->ModelColor = NULL;
-  this->UseFastPath = false;
   this->UsingInstancing = false;
   this->PopulateSelectionSettings = 0;
@@ -122,6 +118,7 @@ void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::ReplaceShaderColor(
   std::string VSSource = shaders[vtkShader::Vertex]->GetSource();
   std::string FSSource = shaders[vtkShader::Fragment]->GetSource();
+  std::string GSSource = shaders[vtkShader::Geometry]->GetSource();
   // deal with color
   if (this->UsingInstancing)
@@ -130,133 +127,63 @@ void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::ReplaceShaderColor(
       "attribute vec4 glyphColor;\n"
       "varying vec4 vertexColorVSOutput;");
+    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(GSSource,
+      "//VTK::Color::Dec",
+      "in vec4 vertexColorVSOutput[];\n"
+      "out vec4 vertexColorGSOutput;");
+    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(GSSource,
+      "//VTK::Color::Impl",
+      "vertexColorGSOutput = vertexColorVSOutput[i];");
+    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(VSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
+      "vertexColorVSOutput =  glyphColor;");
+    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Dec",
+      "varying vec4 vertexColorVSOutput;\n"
+      "//VTK::Color::Dec", false);
+      "//VTK::Color::Dec", "");
+    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,
       "uniform vec4 glyphColor;\n"
-      "varying vec4 vertexColorVSOutput;");
-  }
-  vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(VSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
-    "vertexColorVSOutput =  glyphColor;");
-  // crate the material/color property declarations, and VS implementation
-  // these are always defined
-  std::string colorDec =
-    "uniform float opacityUniform; // the fragment opacity\n"
-    "uniform vec3 ambientColorUniform; // intensity weighted color\n"
-    "uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniform; // intensity weighted color\n";
-  // add some if we have a backface property
-  if (actor->GetBackfaceProperty())
-  {
-    colorDec +=
-      "uniform float opacityUniformBF; // the fragment opacity\n"
-      "uniform vec3 ambientColorUniformBF; // intensity weighted color\n"
-      "uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniformBF; // intensity weighted color\n";
+      "//VTK::Color::Dec", false);
+    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
+      "vec4 vertexColorVSOutput = glyphColor;\n"
+      "//VTK::Color::Impl", false);
-  // add more for specular
-  if (this->LastLightComplexity[this->LastBoundBO])
+  // now handle scalar coloring
+  if(!this->DrawingEdgesOrVertices)
-    colorDec +=
-      "uniform vec3 specularColorUniform; // intensity weighted color\n"
-      "uniform float specularPowerUniform;\n";
-    if (actor->GetBackfaceProperty())
+    if (this->ScalarMaterialMode == VTK_MATERIALMODE_AMBIENT ||
+        (this->ScalarMaterialMode == VTK_MATERIALMODE_DEFAULT &&
+          actor->GetProperty()->GetAmbient() > actor->GetProperty()->GetDiffuse()))
-      colorDec +=
-        "uniform vec3 specularColorUniformBF; // intensity weighted color\n"
-        "uniform float specularPowerUniformBF;\n";
+      vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
+        "//VTK::Color::Impl\n"
+        "  ambientColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;\n"
+        "  opacity = opacity*vertexColorVSOutput.a;", false);
-  }
-  colorDec += "varying vec4 vertexColorVSOutput;\n";
-  vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Dec", colorDec);
-  // now handle the more complex fragment shader implementation
-  // the following are always defined variables.  We start
-  // by assiging a default value from the uniform
-  std::string colorImpl =
-    "vec3 ambientColor;\n"
-    "  vec3 diffuseColor;\n"
-    "  float opacity;\n";
-  if (this->LastLightComplexity[this->LastBoundBO])
-  {
-    colorImpl +=
-      "  vec3 specularColor;\n"
-      "  float specularPower;\n";
-  }
-  if (actor->GetBackfaceProperty())
-  {
-    if (this->LastLightComplexity[this->LastBoundBO])
+    else if (this->ScalarMaterialMode == VTK_MATERIALMODE_DIFFUSE ||
+        (this->ScalarMaterialMode == VTK_MATERIALMODE_DEFAULT &&
+          actor->GetProperty()->GetAmbient() <= actor->GetProperty()->GetDiffuse()))
-      colorImpl +=
-        "  if (int(gl_FrontFacing) == 0) {\n"
-        "    ambientColor = ambientColorUniformBF;\n"
-        "    diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniformBF;\n"
-        "    specularColor = specularColorUniformBF;\n"
-        "    specularPower = specularPowerUniformBF;\n"
-        "    opacity = opacityUniformBF; }\n"
-        "  else {\n"
-        "    ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;\n"
-        "    diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;\n"
-        "    specularColor = specularColorUniform;\n"
-        "    specularPower = specularPowerUniform;\n"
-        "    opacity = opacityUniform; }\n";
+      vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
+        "//VTK::Color::Impl\n"
+        "  diffuseColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;\n"
+        "  opacity = opacity*vertexColorVSOutput.a;");
-      colorImpl +=
-        "  if (int(gl_FrontFacing) == 0) {\n"
-        "    ambientColor = ambientColorUniformBF;\n"
-        "    diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniformBF;\n"
-        "    opacity = opacityUniformBF; }\n"
-        "  else {\n"
-        "    ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;\n"
-        "    diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;\n"
-        "    opacity = opacityUniform; }\n";
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    colorImpl +=
-      "    ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;\n"
-      "    diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;\n"
-      "    opacity = opacityUniform;\n";
-    if (this->LastLightComplexity[this->LastBoundBO])
-    {
-      colorImpl +=
-        "    specularColor = specularColorUniform;\n"
-        "    specularPower = specularPowerUniform;\n";
+      vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
+        "//VTK::Color::Impl\n"
+        "  diffuseColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;\n"
+        "  ambientColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;\n"
+        "  opacity = opacity*vertexColorVSOutput.a;");
-  // now handle scalar coloring
-  if (this->ScalarMaterialMode == VTK_MATERIALMODE_AMBIENT ||
-        (this->ScalarMaterialMode == VTK_MATERIALMODE_DEFAULT &&
-         actor->GetProperty()->GetAmbient() > actor->GetProperty()->GetDiffuse()))
-  {
-    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
-      colorImpl +
-      "  ambientColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;\n"
-      "  opacity = vertexColorVSOutput.a;");
-  }
-  else if (this->ScalarMaterialMode == VTK_MATERIALMODE_DIFFUSE ||
-        (this->ScalarMaterialMode == VTK_MATERIALMODE_DEFAULT &&
-         actor->GetProperty()->GetAmbient() <= actor->GetProperty()->GetDiffuse()))
-  {
-    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
-      colorImpl +
-      "  diffuseColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;\n"
-      "  opacity = vertexColorVSOutput.a;");
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    vtkShaderProgram::Substitute(FSSource,"//VTK::Color::Impl",
-      colorImpl +
-      "  diffuseColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;\n"
-      "  ambientColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;\n"
-      "  opacity = vertexColorVSOutput.a;");
-  }
   if (this->UsingInstancing)
@@ -275,6 +202,7 @@ void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::ReplaceShaderColor(
+  shaders[vtkShader::Geometry]->SetSource(GSSource);
@@ -385,14 +313,8 @@ void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::GlyphRender(
   this->UsingInstancing = false;
   vtkHardwareSelector* selector = ren->GetSelector();
-  bool selecting_points = selector && (selector->GetFieldAssociation() ==
-  int representation = actor->GetProperty()->GetRepresentation();
-  if (actor->GetProperty()->GetRepresentation() == VTK_SURFACE &&
-      !selector && !ren->GetRenderWindow()->GetIsPicking()
+  if (!selector && !ren->GetRenderWindow()->GetIsPicking()
       && GLEW_ARB_instanced_arrays)
     this->GlyphRenderInstances(ren, actor, numPts,
@@ -400,110 +322,76 @@ void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::GlyphRender(
-  bool primed = false;
+  bool selecting_points = selector && (selector->GetFieldAssociation() ==
+  int representation = actor->GetProperty()->GetRepresentation();
+  this->RenderPieceStart(ren,actor);
-  // First we do the triangles, update the shader, set uniforms, etc.
-  GLenum mode = (representation == VTK_POINTS) ? GL_POINTS :
-    (representation == VTK_WIREFRAME) ? GL_LINES : GL_TRIANGLES;
   if (selecting_points)
 #if GL_ES_VERSION_3_0 != 1
-    mode = GL_POINTS;
+    representation = GL_POINTS;
-  for (vtkIdType inPtId = 0; inPtId < numPts; inPtId++)
+  bool draw_surface_with_edges =
+    (actor->GetProperty()->GetEdgeVisibility() && representation == VTK_SURFACE) && !selector;
+  int numVerts = this->VBOs->GetNumberOfTuples("vertexMC");
+  for (int i = PrimitiveStart;
+       i < (draw_surface_with_edges ? PrimitiveEnd : PrimitiveTriStrips + 1); i++)
-    if (selector)
-    {
-      selector->RenderAttributeId(pickIds[inPtId]);
-    }
-    if (!primed)
-    {
-      this->RenderPieceStart(ren,actor);
-      this->UpdateShaders(this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris], ren, actor);
-      this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->Bind();
-      primed = true;
-    }
-    // handle the middle
-    vtkShaderProgram *program = this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].Program;
-    if (!program)
-    {
-      return;
-    }
-    // Apply the extra transform
-    program->SetUniformMatrix4x4("GCMCMatrix", &(matrices[inPtId*16]));
-    // for lit shaders set normal matrix
-    if (this->LastLightComplexity[this->LastBoundBO] > 0 &&
-        this->VBOs->GetNumberOfComponents("normalMC") == 3 &&
-        !this->UsingInstancing)
-    {
-      program->SetUniformMatrix3x3("glyphNormalMatrix", &(normalMatrices[inPtId*9]));
-    }
-    program->SetUniform4uc("glyphColor", &(colors[inPtId*4]));
-    if (selector)
+    this->DrawingEdgesOrVertices = (i > PrimitiveTriStrips ? true : false);
+    if (this->Primitives[i].IBO->IndexCount)
-      program->SetUniform3f("mapperIndex", selector->GetPropColorValue());
+      this->UpdateShaders(this->Primitives[i], ren, actor);
+      GLenum mode = this->GetOpenGLMode(representation, i);
+      this->Primitives[i].IBO->Bind();
+      for (vtkIdType inPtId = 0; inPtId < numPts; inPtId++)
+      {
+        if (selector)
+        {
+          selector->RenderAttributeId(pickIds[inPtId]);
+        }
+        // handle the middle
+        vtkShaderProgram *program = this->Primitives[i].Program;
+        if (!program)
+        {
+          return;
+        }
+        // Apply the extra transform
+        program->SetUniformMatrix4x4("GCMCMatrix", &(matrices[inPtId*16]));
+        // for lit shaders set normal matrix
+        if (this->LastLightComplexity[this->LastBoundBO] > 0 &&
+            this->VBOs->GetNumberOfComponents("normalMC") == 3 &&
+            !this->UsingInstancing)
+        {
+          program->SetUniformMatrix3x3("glyphNormalMatrix", &(normalMatrices[inPtId*9]));
+        }
+        program->SetUniform4uc("glyphColor", &(colors[inPtId*4]));
+        if (selector)
+        {
+          program->SetUniform3f("mapperIndex", selector->GetPropColorValue());
+        }
+        glDrawRangeElements(mode, 0,
+                            static_cast<GLuint>(numVerts - 1),
+                            static_cast<GLsizei>(this->Primitives[i].IBO->IndexCount),
+                            GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
+                            reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid *>(NULL));
+      }
+      this->Primitives[i].IBO->Release();
-    glDrawRangeElements(mode, 0,
-                        static_cast<GLuint>(this->VBOs->GetNumberOfTuples("vertexMC") - 1),
-                        static_cast<GLsizei>(this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->IndexCount),
-                        GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
-                        reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid *>(NULL));
-  }
-  if (primed)
-  {
-    this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->Release();
-    this->RenderPieceFinish(ren,actor);
-  }
-void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::SetCameraShaderParameters(vtkOpenGLHelper &cellBO,
-                                                    vtkRenderer* ren, vtkActor *actor)
-  // do the superclass and then reset a couple values
-  this->Superclass::SetCameraShaderParameters(cellBO,ren,actor);
-  vtkShaderProgram *program = cellBO.Program;
-  // Apply the extra transform
-  if (this->ModelTransformMatrix)
-  {
-    program->SetUniformMatrix4x4("GCMCMatrix", this->ModelTransformMatrix);
-  }
-  // for lit shaders set normal matrix
-  if (this->LastLightComplexity[&cellBO] > 0 &&
-      this->ModelNormalMatrix &&
-      this->VBOs->GetNumberOfComponents("normalMC") == 3 &&
-      !this->UsingInstancing)
-  {
-    program->SetUniformMatrix3x3("glyphNormalMatrix", this->ModelNormalMatrix);
-  }
-void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::SetPropertyShaderParameters(vtkOpenGLHelper &cellBO,
-                                                         vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *actor)
-  // do the superclass and then reset a couple values
-  this->Superclass::SetPropertyShaderParameters(cellBO,ren,actor);
-  vtkShaderProgram *program = cellBO.Program;
-  if (this->ModelColor)
-  {
-    program->SetUniform4uc("glyphColor", this->ModelColor);
+  this->RenderPieceFinish(ren,actor);
@@ -527,81 +415,104 @@ void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper::GlyphRenderInstances(
   this->UsingInstancing = true;
-  this->UpdateShaders(this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris], ren, actor);
-  if (!this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].Program)
-  {
-    return;
-  }
+  int representation = actor->GetProperty()->GetRepresentation();
-  // do the superclass and then reset a couple values
-  if (this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->IndexCount &&   // we have points and one of
-      (this->VBOBuildTime > this->InstanceBuffersLoadTime ||
-      this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].ShaderSourceTime > this->InstanceBuffersLoadTime ||
-      pointMTime > this->InstanceBuffersLoadTime.GetMTime()))
+  // update the VBOs if needed
+  if (pointMTime > this->InstanceBuffersBuildTime.GetMTime())
-    this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].VAO->Bind();
-    // add 3 new BOs?
-    this->MatrixBuffer->Bind();
     this->MatrixBuffer->Upload(matrices, vtkOpenGLBufferObject::ArrayBuffer);
-    if (!this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].VAO->AddAttributeMatrixWithDivisor(
-      this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].Program, this->MatrixBuffer,
-        "GCMCMatrix", 0, 16*sizeof(float), VTK_FLOAT, 4, false, 1))
-    {
-      vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error setting 'GCMCMatrix' in shader VAO.");
-    }
-    this->MatrixBuffer->Release();
-    if (this->VBOs->GetNumberOfComponents("normalMC") == 3 &&
-        this->LastLightComplexity[this->LastBoundBO] > 0)
+    if (this->VBOs->GetNumberOfComponents("normalMC") == 3)
-      this->NormalMatrixBuffer->Bind();
         normalMatrices, vtkOpenGLBufferObject::ArrayBuffer);
-      if (!this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].VAO->AddAttributeMatrixWithDivisor(
-            this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].Program, this->NormalMatrixBuffer,
-            "glyphNormalMatrix", 0, 9*sizeof(float), VTK_FLOAT, 3, false, 1))
-      {
-        vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error setting 'glyphNormalMatrix' in shader VAO.");
-      }
-      this->NormalMatrixBuffer->Release();
-    if (this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].Program->IsAttributeUsed("glyphColor"))
+    this->ColorBuffer->Upload(colors, vtkOpenGLBufferObject::ArrayBuffer);
+    this->InstanceBuffersBuildTime.Modified();
+  }
+  bool draw_surface_with_edges =
+    (actor->GetProperty()->GetEdgeVisibility() && representation == VTK_SURFACE);
+  for (int i = PrimitiveStart;
+       i < (draw_surface_with_edges ? PrimitiveEnd : PrimitiveTriStrips + 1); i++)
+  {
+    this->DrawingEdgesOrVertices = (i > PrimitiveTriStrips ? true : false);
+    if (this->Primitives[i].IBO->IndexCount)
-      this->ColorBuffer->Bind();
-      this->ColorBuffer->Upload(colors, vtkOpenGLBufferObject::ArrayBuffer);
-      if (!this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].VAO->AddAttributeArrayWithDivisor(
-            this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].Program, this->ColorBuffer,
-            "glyphColor", 0, 4*sizeof(unsigned char), VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 4, true, 1, false))
+      this->UpdateShaders(this->Primitives[i], ren, actor);
+      if (!this->Primitives[i].Program)
-        vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error setting 'diffuse color' in shader VAO.");
+        return;
-      this->ColorBuffer->Release();
-    }
-    this->InstanceBuffersLoadTime.Modified();
-  }
+      GLenum mode = this->GetOpenGLMode(representation, i);
+      // do the superclass and then reset a couple values
+      if ((this->InstanceBuffersBuildTime > this->InstanceBuffersLoadTime ||
+          this->Primitives[i].ShaderSourceTime > this->InstanceBuffersLoadTime))
+      {
+        this->Primitives[i].VAO->Bind();
+        this->MatrixBuffer->Bind();
+        if (!this->Primitives[i].VAO->AddAttributeMatrixWithDivisor(
+          this->Primitives[i].Program, this->MatrixBuffer,
+            "GCMCMatrix", 0, 16*sizeof(float), VTK_FLOAT, 4, false, 1))
+        {
+          vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error setting 'GCMCMatrix' in shader VAO.");
+        }
+        this->MatrixBuffer->Release();
+        if (this->VBOs->GetNumberOfComponents("normalMC") == 3 &&
+            this->LastLightComplexity[this->LastBoundBO] > 0)
+        {
+          this->NormalMatrixBuffer->Bind();
+          if (!this->Primitives[i].VAO->AddAttributeMatrixWithDivisor(
+                this->Primitives[i].Program, this->NormalMatrixBuffer,
+                "glyphNormalMatrix", 0, 9*sizeof(float), VTK_FLOAT, 3, false, 1))
+          {
+            vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error setting 'glyphNormalMatrix' in shader VAO.");
+          }
+          this->NormalMatrixBuffer->Release();
+        }
+        if (this->Primitives[i].Program->IsAttributeUsed("glyphColor"))
+        {
+          this->ColorBuffer->Bind();
+          if (!this->Primitives[i].VAO->AddAttributeArrayWithDivisor(
+                this->Primitives[i].Program, this->ColorBuffer,
+                "glyphColor", 0, 4*sizeof(unsigned char), VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 4, true, 1, false))
+          {
+            vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error setting 'diffuse color' in shader VAO.");
+          }
+          this->ColorBuffer->Release();
+        }
+        this->InstanceBuffersLoadTime.Modified();
+      }
+      this->Primitives[i].IBO->Bind();
-  this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->Bind();
 #if GL_ES_VERSION_3_0 == 1
-  glDrawElementsInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES,
-    static_cast<GLsizei>(this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->IndexCount),
-    reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid *>(NULL),
-    numPts);
+      glDrawElementsInstanced(mode,
+        static_cast<GLsizei>(this->Primitives[i].IBO->IndexCount),
+        reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid *>(NULL),
+        numPts);
-  if (GLEW_ARB_instanced_arrays &&
-      this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->IndexCount > 0)
-  {
-    glDrawElementsInstancedARB(GL_TRIANGLES,
-      static_cast<GLsizei>(this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->IndexCount),
-      reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid *>(NULL),
-      numPts);
-  }
+      if (GLEW_ARB_instanced_arrays)
+      {
+        glDrawElementsInstancedARB(mode,
+          static_cast<GLsizei>(this->Primitives[i].IBO->IndexCount),
+          GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
+          reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid *>(NULL),
+          numPts);
+      }
-  vtkOpenGLCheckErrorMacro("failed after Render");
-  this->Primitives[PrimitiveTris].IBO->Release();
+      this->Primitives[i].IBO->Release();
+    }
+  }
+  vtkOpenGLCheckErrorMacro("failed after Render");
   this->RenderPieceFinish(ren, actor);
diff --git a/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper.h b/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper.h
index cb6a71a4e5854e2f224bb89ba372f577d0d3a254..c3c4951fcb8e980230fa28646bb7410e26d9d334 100644
--- a/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper.h
+++ b/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper.h
@@ -33,27 +33,6 @@ public:
   vtkTypeMacro(vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper, vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper)
   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) VTK_OVERRIDE;
-  void SetModelTransform(float *matrix)
-  {
-    this->ModelTransformMatrix = matrix;
-  }
-  void SetModelNormalTransform(float *matrix)
-  {
-    this->ModelNormalMatrix = matrix;
-  }
-  void SetModelColor(unsigned char *color)
-  {
-    this->ModelColor = color;
-  }
-  void SetUseFastPath(bool fastpath)
-  {
-    this->UseFastPath = fastpath;
-    this->UsingInstancing = false;
-  }
    * Fast path for rendering glyphs comprised of only one type of primitive
    * Must set this->CurrentInput explicitly before calling.
@@ -108,34 +87,18 @@ protected:
     vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) VTK_OVERRIDE;
-  /**
-   * Set the shader parameteres related to the Camera
-   */
-  void SetCameraShaderParameters(
-    vtkOpenGLHelper &cellBO, vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) VTK_OVERRIDE;
-  /**
-   * Set the shader parameteres related to the property
-   */
-  void SetPropertyShaderParameters(
-    vtkOpenGLHelper &cellBO, vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) VTK_OVERRIDE;
    * Set the shader parameteres related to the actor/mapper
   void SetMapperShaderParameters(
     vtkOpenGLHelper &cellBO, vtkRenderer *ren, vtkActor *act) VTK_OVERRIDE;
-  bool UseFastPath;
   bool UsingInstancing;
-  float* ModelTransformMatrix;
-  float* ModelNormalMatrix;
-  unsigned char* ModelColor;
   vtkOpenGLBufferObject *NormalMatrixBuffer;
   vtkOpenGLBufferObject *MatrixBuffer;
   vtkOpenGLBufferObject *ColorBuffer;
+  vtkTimeStamp InstanceBuffersBuildTime;
   vtkTimeStamp InstanceBuffersLoadTime;
diff --git a/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DMapper.cxx b/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DMapper.cxx
index 2dd7c36953824e0e06e2267cc7121cde50a3ebf4..d0a43e88be83c56f4931524d3a7e8251f9610f19 100644
--- a/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DMapper.cxx
+++ b/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLGlyph3DMapper.cxx
@@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DMapper::Render(
     sTTIter = NULL;
-  vtkHardwareSelector* selector = ren->GetSelector();
   // rebuild all entries for this DataSet if it
   // has been modified
   if (subarray->BuildTime < dataset->GetMTime() ||
@@ -548,50 +546,9 @@ void vtkOpenGLGlyph3DMapper::Render(
         vtkOpenGLGlyph3DHelper *gh = entry->Mappers[mapperIdx];
         gh->CurrentInput = pd;
-        // now draw, there is a fast path for a special case of
-        // only triangles
-        bool fastPath = false;
-        if (pd->GetNumberOfVerts() == 0 &&
-            pd->GetNumberOfLines() == 0 &&
-            pd->GetNumberOfStrips() == 0)
-        {
-          fastPath = true;
-        }
-        // use fast path
-        gh->SetUseFastPath(fastPath);
-        if (fastPath)
-        {
-          gh->GlyphRender(ren, actor, entry->NumberOfPoints,
-                          entry->Colors, entry->Matrices, entry->NormalMatrices,
-                          entry->PickIds, subarray->BuildTime);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          bool primed = false;
-          for (vtkIdType inPtId = 0; inPtId < entry->NumberOfPoints; inPtId++)
-          {
-            if (selector)
-            {
-              selector->RenderAttributeId(entry->PickIds[inPtId]);
-            }
-            if (!primed)
-            {
-              gh->RenderPieceStart(ren, actor);
-              primed = true;
-            }
-            gh->SetModelColor(&(entry->Colors[inPtId*4]));
-            gh->SetModelTransform(&(entry->Matrices[inPtId*16]));
-            gh->SetModelNormalTransform(&(entry->NormalMatrices[inPtId*9]));
-            gh->RenderPieceDraw(ren, actor);
-          }
-          if (primed)
-          {
-            gh->RenderPieceFinish(ren, actor);
-          }
-        }
+        gh->GlyphRender(ren, actor, entry->NumberOfPoints,
+                        entry->Colors, entry->Matrices, entry->NormalMatrices,
+                        entry->PickIds, subarray->BuildTime);
       if (!cdsIter || cdsIter->IsDoneWithTraversal())