diff --git a/Common/DataModel/vtkExtractStructuredGridHelper.cxx b/Common/DataModel/vtkExtractStructuredGridHelper.cxx
index 75fc7a4540cc2c669ca6a64c5635f608dc1c71ff..9c03a9d6dcb4f8657dd991f7f019ceb52b6a9c79 100644
--- a/Common/DataModel/vtkExtractStructuredGridHelper.cxx
+++ b/Common/DataModel/vtkExtractStructuredGridHelper.cxx
@@ -478,6 +478,14 @@ void vtkExtractStructuredGridHelper::CopyCellData(int inExt[6], int outExt[6],
   int outCellExt[6];
+  // clamp outCellExt using inpCellExt. This is needed for the case where outExt
+  // is the outer face of the dataset along any of the dimensions.
+  for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim)
+  {
+    EMIN(outCellExt, dim) = std::min(EMAX(inpCellExt, dim), EMIN(outCellExt, dim));
+    EMAX(outCellExt, dim) = std::min(EMAX(inpCellExt, dim), EMAX(outCellExt, dim));
+  }
   // Lists for batching copy operations:
   vtkNew<vtkIdList> srcIds;
   vtkNew<vtkIdList> dstIds;
diff --git a/Filters/Extraction/Testing/Cxx/TestExtractRectilinearGrid.cxx b/Filters/Extraction/Testing/Cxx/TestExtractRectilinearGrid.cxx
index 13cb6a962535ac17f2e6a60075eb20595caf68e7..80c30d35c2446bbb8e0cdaa35a5118028329b78e 100644
--- a/Filters/Extraction/Testing/Cxx/TestExtractRectilinearGrid.cxx
+++ b/Filters/Extraction/Testing/Cxx/TestExtractRectilinearGrid.cxx
@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
 #include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
 #include "vtkExtractRectilinearGrid.h"
 #include "vtkMathUtilities.h"
+#include "vtkNew.h"
 #include "vtkPointData.h"
+#include "vtkPointDataToCellData.h"
 #include "vtkRectilinearGrid.h"
 #include "vtkRectilinearGridWriter.h"
 #include "vtkStructuredData.h"
 // C/C++ includes
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -142,6 +143,13 @@ void GenerateGrid( vtkRectilinearGrid* grid,  int ext[6] )
     xyz->SetTuple(pntIdx, grid->GetPoint(pntIdx) );
   } // END for all points
   grid->GetPointData()->AddArray( xyz );
+  vtkNew<vtkPointDataToCellData> pd2cd;
+  pd2cd->PassPointDataOn();
+  pd2cd->SetInputDataObject(grid);
+  pd2cd->Update();
+  grid->ShallowCopy(pd2cd->GetOutputDataObject(0));
@@ -176,6 +184,16 @@ int TestExtractRectilinearGrid( int argc, char* argv[])
   rc += CheckGrid( subGrid );
+  // Let's extract outer face too.
+  int sub_ext2[6] = { 49, 49, 0, 49, 0, 0 };
+  extractFilter->SetVOI(sub_ext2);
+  extractFilter->SetSampleRate(1, 1, 1);
+  extractFilter->IncludeBoundaryOff();
+  extractFilter->Update();
+  subGrid = extractFilter->GetOutput();
+  rc += CheckGrid(subGrid);
   return( rc );