From faff2ab020acc99b6b1615f992e7e6b5d7cf5113 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Johnston <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 07:22:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Process: Wait for children to terminate on Ctrl+C.

The following applies to any KWSys console app on Windows or UNIX
(e.g. cmake.exe):  The default behavior of such an app when Ctrl+C is
pressed is to call ExitProcess or _exit.  If the user has a
subprocess open (e.g. by way of cmake --build) when this happens, the
subprocess will be orphaned because the kwsys-based program will
immediately exit.  This can lead to odd behavior such as the orphaned
subprocess continuing to run and mix output with the operating system
shell.  We prevent this behavior on Windows by tracking all
subprocesses and waiting for their termination when Ctrl+C is pressed
before allowing the call to ExitProcess to proceed.  On UNIX, we reap
every single child process and then call _exit.

Change-Id: Iebd2eedb1c06719e9797dd5b1309d473145476a8
 ProcessUNIX.c  | 124 ++++++++++++++++++------
 ProcessWin32.c | 251 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ProcessUNIX.c b/ProcessUNIX.c
index c7afb5e..8c2b2e4 100644
--- a/ProcessUNIX.c
+++ b/ProcessUNIX.c
@@ -2582,8 +2582,10 @@ typedef struct kwsysProcessInstances_s
 } kwsysProcessInstances;
 static kwsysProcessInstances kwsysProcesses;
-/* The old SIGCHLD handler.  */
+/* The old SIGCHLD / SIGINT / SIGTERM handlers.  */
 static struct sigaction kwsysProcessesOldSigChldAction;
+static struct sigaction kwsysProcessesOldSigIntAction;
+static struct sigaction kwsysProcessesOldSigTermAction;
 static void kwsysProcessesUpdate(kwsysProcessInstances* newProcesses)
@@ -2686,21 +2688,36 @@ static int kwsysProcessesAdd(kwsysProcess* cp)
     /* Install our handler for SIGCHLD.  Repeat call until it is not
        interrupted.  */
-    struct sigaction newSigChldAction;
-    memset(&newSigChldAction, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
+    struct sigaction newSigAction;
+    memset(&newSigAction, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
-    newSigChldAction.sa_sigaction = kwsysProcessesSignalHandler;
-    newSigChldAction.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_SIGINFO;
+    newSigAction.sa_sigaction = kwsysProcessesSignalHandler;
+    newSigAction.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_SIGINFO;
 # ifdef SA_RESTART
-    newSigChldAction.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;
+    newSigAction.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;
 # endif
-    newSigChldAction.sa_handler = kwsysProcessesSignalHandler;
-    newSigChldAction.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP;
+    newSigAction.sa_handler = kwsysProcessesSignalHandler;
+    newSigAction.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP;
-    while((sigaction(SIGCHLD, &newSigChldAction,
+    sigemptyset(&newSigAction.sa_mask);
+    while((sigaction(SIGCHLD, &newSigAction,
                      &kwsysProcessesOldSigChldAction) < 0) &&
           (errno == EINTR));
+    /* Install our handler for SIGINT / SIGTERM.  Repeat call until
+       it is not interrupted.  */
+    sigemptyset(&newSigAction.sa_mask);
+    sigaddset(&newSigAction.sa_mask, SIGTERM);
+    while((sigaction(SIGINT, &newSigAction,
+                     &kwsysProcessesOldSigIntAction) < 0) &&
+          (errno == EINTR));
+    sigemptyset(&newSigAction.sa_mask);
+    sigaddset(&newSigAction.sa_mask, SIGINT);
+    while((sigaction(SIGTERM, &newSigAction,
+                     &kwsysProcessesOldSigIntAction) < 0) &&
+          (errno == EINTR));
@@ -2734,10 +2751,14 @@ static void kwsysProcessesRemove(kwsysProcess* cp)
     /* If this was the last process, disable the signal handler.  */
     if(newProcesses.Count == 0)
-      /* Restore the SIGCHLD handler.  Repeat call until it is not
+      /* Restore the signal handlers.  Repeat call until it is not
          interrupted.  */
       while((sigaction(SIGCHLD, &kwsysProcessesOldSigChldAction, 0) < 0) &&
             (errno == EINTR));
+      while((sigaction(SIGINT, &kwsysProcessesOldSigIntAction, 0) < 0) &&
+            (errno == EINTR));
+      while((sigaction(SIGTERM, &kwsysProcessesOldSigTermAction, 0) < 0) &&
+            (errno == EINTR));
       /* Free the table of process pointers since it is now empty.
          This is safe because the signal handler has been removed.  */
@@ -2763,39 +2784,84 @@ static void kwsysProcessesSignalHandler(int signum
-  (void)signum;
+  int i, procStatus, old_errno = errno;
   /* Signal all process objects that a child has terminated.  */
-  {
-  int i;
-  for(i=0; i < kwsysProcesses.Count; ++i)
+  switch(signum)
-    /* Set the pipe in a signalled state.  */
-    char buf = 1;
-    kwsysProcess* cp = kwsysProcesses.Processes[i];
-    kwsysProcess_ssize_t status=
-      read(cp->PipeReadEnds[KWSYSPE_PIPE_SIGNAL], &buf, 1);
-    (void)status;
-    status=write(cp->SignalPipe, &buf, 1);
-    (void)status;
+    case SIGCHLD:
+      for(i=0; i < kwsysProcesses.Count; ++i)
+        {
+        /* Set the pipe in a signalled state.  */
+        char buf = 1;
+        kwsysProcess* cp = kwsysProcesses.Processes[i];
+        kwsysProcess_ssize_t pipeStatus=
+          read(cp->PipeReadEnds[KWSYSPE_PIPE_SIGNAL], &buf, 1);
+        (void)pipeStatus;
+        pipeStatus=write(cp->SignalPipe, &buf, 1);
+        (void)pipeStatus;
+        }
+      break;
+    case SIGINT:
+    case SIGTERM:
+      /* Wait for all processes to terminate.  */
+      while(wait(&procStatus) >= 0 || errno != ECHILD)
+        {
+        }
+      /* Terminate the process, which is now in an inconsistent state
+         because we reaped all the PIDs that it may have been reaping
+         or may have reaped in the future.  Reraise the signal so that
+         the proper exit code is returned.  */
+      {
+      /* Install default signal handler.  */
+      struct sigaction defSigAction;
+      sigset_t unblockSet;
+      memset(&defSigAction, 0, sizeof(defSigAction));
+      defSigAction.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
+      sigemptyset(&defSigAction.sa_mask);
+      while((sigaction(signum, &defSigAction, 0) < 0) &&
+            (errno == EINTR));
+      /* Unmask the signal.  */
+      sigemptyset(&unblockSet);
+      sigaddset(&unblockSet, signum);
+      sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &unblockSet, 0);
+      /* Raise the signal again.  */
+      raise(signum);
+      /* We shouldn't get here... but if we do... */
+      _exit(1);
+      }
+      /* break omitted to silence unreachable code clang compiler warning.  */
-  }
-  /* Re-Install our handler for SIGCHLD.  Repeat call until it is not
-     interrupted.  */
+  /* Re-Install our handler.  Repeat call until it is not interrupted.  */
-  struct sigaction newSigChldAction;
-  memset(&newSigChldAction, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
+  struct sigaction newSigAction;
+  struct sigaction &oldSigAction;
+  memset(&newSigAction, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
   newSigChldAction.sa_handler = kwsysProcessesSignalHandler;
   newSigChldAction.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP;
-  while((sigaction(SIGCHLD, &newSigChldAction,
-                   &kwsysProcessesOldSigChldAction) < 0) &&
+  sigemptyset(&newSigAction.sa_mask);
+  switch(signum)
+    {
+    case SIGCHLD: oldSigAction = &kwsysProcessesOldSigChldAction; break;
+    case SIGINT:
+      sigaddset(&newSigAction.sa_mask, SIGTERM);
+      oldSigAction = &kwsysProcessesOldSigIntAction; break;
+    case SIGTERM:
+      sigaddset(&newSigAction.sa_mask, SIGINT);
+      oldSigAction = &kwsysProcessesOldSigTermAction; break;
+    default: return 0;
+    }
+  while((sigaction(signum, &newSigAction,
+                   oldSigAction) < 0) &&
         (errno == EINTR));
+  errno = old_errno;
diff --git a/ProcessWin32.c b/ProcessWin32.c
index a7dd2ca..086fc39 100644
--- a/ProcessWin32.c
+++ b/ProcessWin32.c
@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ static kwsysProcessTime kwsysProcessTimeSubtract(kwsysProcessTime in1, kwsysProc
 static void kwsysProcessSetExitException(kwsysProcess* cp, int code);
 static void kwsysProcessKillTree(int pid);
 static void kwsysProcessDisablePipeThreads(kwsysProcess* cp);
+static int kwsysProcessesInitialize(void);
+static int kwsysTryEnterCreateProcessSection(void);
+static void kwsysLeaveCreateProcessSection(void);
+static int kwsysProcessesAdd(HANDLE hProcess);
+static void kwsysProcessesRemove(HANDLE hProcess);
+static BOOL WINAPI kwsysCtrlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType);
 /* A structure containing synchronization data for each thread.  */
@@ -321,6 +327,16 @@ kwsysProcess* kwsysProcess_New(void)
   /* Windows version number data.  */
+  /* Initialize list of processes before we get any farther.  It's especially
+     important that the console Ctrl handler be added BEFORE starting the
+     first process.  This prevents the risk of an orphaned process being
+     started by the main thread while the default Ctrl handler is in
+     progress.  */
+  if(!kwsysProcessesInitialize())
+    {
+    return 0;
+    }
   /* Allocate a process control structure.  */
   cp = (kwsysProcess*)malloc(sizeof(kwsysProcess));
@@ -1487,7 +1503,8 @@ void kwsysProcess_Kill(kwsysProcess* cp)
   for(i=0; i < cp->NumberOfCommands; ++i)
-    // close the handle if we kill it
+    /* Remove from global list of processes and close handles.  */
+    kwsysProcessesRemove(cp->ProcessInformation[i].hProcess);
@@ -1728,7 +1745,19 @@ static int kwsysProcessCreateChildHandle(PHANDLE out, HANDLE in, int isStdIn)
 int kwsysProcessCreate(kwsysProcess* cp, int index,
                        kwsysProcessCreateInformation* si)
-  int res =
+  int res;
+  /* Check if we are currently exiting.  */
+  if (!kwsysTryEnterCreateProcessSection())
+    {
+    /* The Ctrl handler is currently working on exiting our process.  Rather
+    than return an error code, which could cause incorrect conclusions to be
+    reached by the caller, we simply hang.  (For example, a CMake try_run
+    configure step might cause the project to configure wrong.)  */
+    Sleep(INFINITE);
+    }
+  res =
     /* Create inherited copies the handles.  */
@@ -1757,6 +1786,19 @@ int kwsysProcessCreate(kwsysProcess* cp, int index,
+  /* Add the process to the global list of processes. */
+  if (!kwsysProcessesAdd(cp->ProcessInformation[index].hProcess))
+    {
+    /* This failed for some reason.  Kill the suspended process. */
+    TerminateProcess(cp->ProcessInformation[index].hProcess, 1);
+    /* And clean up... */
+    kwsysProcessCleanupHandle(&cp->ProcessInformation[index].hProcess);
+    kwsysProcessCleanupHandle(&cp->ProcessInformation[index].hThread);
+    res = 0;
+    }
+  /* If the console Ctrl handler is waiting for us, this will release it... */
+  kwsysLeaveCreateProcessSection();
   return res;
@@ -1779,6 +1821,9 @@ void kwsysProcessDestroy(kwsysProcess* cp, int event)
+  /* Remove from global list of processes.  */
+  kwsysProcessesRemove(cp->ProcessInformation[index].hProcess);
   /* Close the process handle for the terminated process.  */
@@ -1923,6 +1968,8 @@ void kwsysProcessCleanup(kwsysProcess* cp, int error)
       for(i=0; i < cp->NumberOfCommands; ++i)
+        /* Remove from global list of processes and close handles.  */
+        kwsysProcessesRemove(cp->ProcessInformation[i].hProcess);
@@ -2659,3 +2706,203 @@ static void kwsysProcessDisablePipeThreads(kwsysProcess* cp)
     ReleaseSemaphore(cp->Pipe[cp->CurrentIndex].Reader.Go, 1, 0);
+/* Global set of executing processes for use by the Ctrl handler.
+   This global instance will be zero-initialized by the compiler.
+   Note that the console Ctrl handler runs on a background thread and so
+   everything it does must be thread safe.  Here, we track the hProcess
+   HANDLEs directly instead of kwsysProcess instances, so that we don't have
+   to make kwsysProcess thread safe.  */
+typedef struct kwsysProcessInstances_s
+  /* Whether we have initialized key fields below, like critical sections.  */
+  int Initialized;
+  /* Ctrl handler runs on a different thread, so we must sync access.  */
+  int Exiting;
+  size_t Count;
+  size_t Size;
+  HANDLE* Processes;
+} kwsysProcessInstances;
+static kwsysProcessInstances kwsysProcesses;
+/* Initialize critial section and set up console Ctrl handler.  You MUST call
+   this before using any other kwsysProcesses* functions below.  */
+static int kwsysProcessesInitialize(void)
+  /* Initialize everything if not done already.  */
+  if(!kwsysProcesses.Initialized)
+    {
+    InitializeCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+    /* Set up console ctrl handler.  */
+    if(!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(kwsysCtrlHandler, TRUE))
+      {
+      return 0;
+      }
+    kwsysProcesses.Initialized = 1;
+    }
+  return 1;
+/* The Ctrl handler waits on the global list of processes.  To prevent an
+   orphaned process, do not create a new process if the Ctrl handler is
+   already running.  Do so by using this function to check if it is ok to
+   create a process.  */
+static int kwsysTryEnterCreateProcessSection(void)
+  /* Enter main critical section; this means creating a process and the Ctrl
+     handler are mutually exclusive.  */
+  EnterCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+  /* Indicate to the caller if they can create a process.  */
+  if(kwsysProcesses.Exiting)
+    {
+    LeaveCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+    return 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    return 1;
+    }
+/* Matching function on successful kwsysTryEnterCreateProcessSection return.
+   Make sure you called kwsysProcessesAdd if applicable before calling this.*/
+static void kwsysLeaveCreateProcessSection(void)
+  LeaveCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+/* Add new process to global process list.  The Ctrl handler will wait for
+   the process to exit before it returns.  Do not close the process handle
+   until after calling kwsysProcessesRemove.  */
+static int kwsysProcessesAdd(HANDLE hProcess)
+  if(!kwsysProcessesInitialize() || !hProcess ||
+      hProcess == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+    {
+    return 0;
+    }
+  /* Enter the critical section. */
+  EnterCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+  /* Make sure there is enough space for the new process handle.  */
+  if(kwsysProcesses.Count == kwsysProcesses.Size)
+    {
+    size_t newSize;
+    HANDLE *newArray;
+    /* Start with enough space for a small number of process handles
+       and double the size each time more is needed.  */
+    newSize = kwsysProcesses.Size? kwsysProcesses.Size*2 : 4;
+    /* Try allocating the new block of memory.  */
+    if(newArray = (HANDLE*)malloc(newSize*sizeof(HANDLE)))
+      {
+      /* Copy the old process handles to the new memory.  */
+      if(kwsysProcesses.Count > 0)
+        {
+        memcpy(newArray, kwsysProcesses.Processes,
+               kwsysProcesses.Count * sizeof(HANDLE));
+        }
+      }
+    else
+      {
+      /* Failed to allocate memory for the new process handle set.  */
+      LeaveCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+      return 0;
+      }
+    /* Free original array. */
+    free(kwsysProcesses.Processes);
+    /* Update original structure with new allocation. */
+    kwsysProcesses.Size = newSize;
+    kwsysProcesses.Processes = newArray;
+    }
+  /* Append the new process handle to the set.  */
+  kwsysProcesses.Processes[kwsysProcesses.Count++] = hProcess;
+  /* Leave critical section and return success. */
+  LeaveCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+  return 1;
+/* Removes process to global process list.  */
+static void kwsysProcessesRemove(HANDLE hProcess)
+  size_t i;
+  if (!hProcess || hProcess == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+    {
+    return;
+    }
+  EnterCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+  /* Find the given process in the set.  */
+  for(i=0; i < kwsysProcesses.Count; ++i)
+    {
+    if(kwsysProcesses.Processes[i] == hProcess)
+      {
+      break;
+      }
+    }
+  if(i < kwsysProcesses.Count)
+    {
+    /* Found it!  Remove the process from the set.  */
+    --kwsysProcesses.Count;
+    for(; i < kwsysProcesses.Count; ++i)
+      {
+      kwsysProcesses.Processes[i] = kwsysProcesses.Processes[i+1];
+      }
+    /* If this was the last process, free the array.  */
+    if(kwsysProcesses.Count == 0)
+      {
+      kwsysProcesses.Size = 0;
+      free(kwsysProcesses.Processes);
+      kwsysProcesses.Processes = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  LeaveCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+static BOOL WINAPI kwsysCtrlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType)
+  (void)dwCtrlType;
+  /* Enter critical section.  */
+  EnterCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+  /* Set flag indicating that we are exiting.  */
+  kwsysProcesses.Exiting = 1;
+  /* Wait for each child process to exit.  This is the key step that prevents
+     us from leaving several orphaned children processes running in the
+     background when the user presses Ctrl+C.  */
+  if(kwsysProcesses.Count > 0) /* WaitForMultipleObjects forbids Count==0.  */
+    {
+    WaitForMultipleObjects((DWORD)kwsysProcesses.Count,
+                           kwsysProcesses.Processes, TRUE, INFINITE);
+    }
+  /* Leave critical section.  */
+  LeaveCriticalSection(&kwsysProcesses.Lock);
+  /* Continue on to default Ctrl handler (which calls ExitProcess).  */
+  return FALSE;