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  • jcfr's avatar
    ENH: Support excluding bundled extension external projects. · e09865bc
    jcfr authored
    Setting the variable <extension_name>_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_EXCLUDE_ALL to TRUE
    prevents Slicer build system from considering the extension dependencies.
    This is particularly useful when (1) an extension support to be built as
    both a standalone project or a Slicer extension and (2) external projects
    from the extension are either not needed when bundled into Slicer or conflicting
    with Slicer ones.
    Here is an example of output reported when configuring a custom application
    setting the variable ShapePopulationViewer_EXTERNAL_PROJECT_EXCLUDE_ALL to TRUE
    -- SuperBuild - GROUPS extension => LAPACK;MeshLib;RigidAlignment;SurfRemesh
    -- SuperBuild - ShapePopulationViewer extension => ignore(ITK);ignore(Qt4);ignore(Qt5);ignore(SlicerExecutionModel);ignore(VTK)
    -- SuperBuild - First pass
    -- SuperBuild - First pass - done
    git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee