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  • jcfr's avatar
    ENH: Move vtkSlicerSliceLogic and vtkSlicerSliceLayerLogic to MRMLLogic library · a0c0bc98
    jcfr authored
    Also move the dependent classes: vtkImageLabelOutline, vtkImageNeighborhoodFilter,
    vtkImageResliceMask, vtkImageSlice to MRMLLogic
    Ultimately, these class should be added to the slicer/VTK git fork and eventually
    ported to the offical VTK repository.
    All Cxx classes and Tcl script referencing vtkSlicerSliceLogic and vtkSlicerSliceLayerLogic
    have also been updated.
    Tcl wrapping hints have been moved from Base/Logic/Wrapping/Tcl/hints to
    git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee