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  • jcfr's avatar
    ENH: Update ITK from v4.13 to v5.0rc1, BRAINSTools and SimpleITK · bb4e7bb9
    jcfr authored
    To help extension developers transition their code base, a migration guide is also
    available on the wiki.
    This commit implements the following changes
    * Compatibility with refactor of threading models in ITK: Fix compilation
      using ProcessingThreader class instead of PlatformMultiThreader.
      ITKv5 reorganized the multi-threading capabilities of ITK into a more modular organization
      and naming to support several modern parallelism paradigms.
      Note that these changes allow Slicer to compile with ITKv5, but does not take advantage
      of any enhancement supporting new threading models. ProcessingThreader
      is still the old-renamed PlatformMultiThreader.
      These changes were originally associated with PR
    * Fix compilation issue related to ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition parameter mismatch.