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  • jcfr's avatar
    ENH: Simplify and optimize superbuild · 594f9326
    jcfr authored
    External project specification have been added to SuperBuild.cmake
      1) "cmake ../Slicer4" => Build using SuperBuild
      2) "cmake -DSlicer_SUPERBUILD:BOOL=OFF ../Slicer4" => Build without Superbuild
    In case (2), all external dependencies (VTK, ITK, ...) will have
    to be specified manually.
    Layout of the CMakeLists.txt has been reviewed to improve readability
    Factored out cmake code and use macro SlicerMacroEmptyExternalProject
    in VTK, ITK and CTK external project description.
    ${ep_common_args} has been introduced to contain option common
    to all external project. has been updated to properly behave when KWWidgets_*_DIR
    are not specified.
    CTestCustom files has been merged into one file now located
    in CMake subdirectory
    SlicerFindQt.cmake has been removed, Qt discovery is now handled
    directly in both CMakeLists.txt and SuperBuild.cmake
    {Subversion_SVN, GIT}_EXECUTABLE are now discovered at superbuild
    configure time. In case of error a message will be immediately thrown
    in case of problem.
    Dashboard template and driver script have been updated to reflect new
    directory layout.
    git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee