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Support pv5.9.0 spack

Add initial support to link against an external pugixml library.

This adds a the flag SENSEI_USE_EXTERNAL_pugixml which defaults to off. When it is set to on, the copy of pugixml in utils is ignored and a find_package call is made, this will require a pugixml_DIR variable to be set to the appropriate directory, though I had no trouble with CMake finding that directory automatically. This varies from the format in which other external dependencies are included and installed in the build directory as interface libraries with an 's' prepended to their names. The source for pugixml is included in Sensei, and the library can still be compiled (with no name mangling) by setting SENSEI_USE_EXTERNAL_pugixml to off.

This merge request includes changes from !239 (merged)

Merge request reports