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  • Jeff Baumes's avatar
    ENH: Adding theme parameters, other enhancements · ef48e7bf
    Jeff Baumes authored
     - Scale*LookupTable sets whether to scale the lookup table range to
       the data range.
     - *TextProperty sets the point/cell (or vertex/edge) text property
       for labels. This replaces the functionality of Set*LabelColor.
     - Updated ClientTreeAreaView and ClientGraphView to use these new
       theme parameters, in addition to lookup tables that were added
       previously. No changes were made to the display panel to incorporate
       this, just XML and the view itself.
     - Changing the shape of the color swatches on vtkQt*View from
       square to circle.
     - Fixing label placement in ClientGraphView so labels appear just over
       the vertex (or icon if icons are used).
     - Remove "Selecting" flag in vtkQtTreeView since it seems to hinder
       updating the selection color when selecting in that view.