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  • Bill Lorensen's avatar
    ENH: An experiment to test examples which is not invasive to the example code.... · 39860107
    Bill Lorensen authored
    ENH: An experiment to test examples which is not invasive to the example code. The experiment uses the vtk test driver. The test driver expects each test to have an entry point that is the name of the test. Examples have an entry point called main. This experiment uses a wrapper file for each test. The wrapper file #define's main to be the name of the test and then includes the example. The experiment also uses the new vtkTestingObjectFactory to override vtkRenderWindowInteractor's Start() method. When an example is run through the test driver, the overriden Start() just returns and the example exits without requiring user interactions. This initial experiment requires some extra work to create the wrapper files, but in the future this can be automated.