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  • Kyle Lutz's avatar
    Add vtkProteinRibbonFilter class · 2235da44
    Kyle Lutz authored
    This adds a new class which generates a protein ribbon (as vtkPolyData)
    from the output provided by vtkPDBReader. Currently the entire protein
    is rendered as a single spline tube without using the secondary-structure
    information (e.g. alpha-helices and beta-sheets). Future work will update
    the filter to output a poly-data with the secondary-structure features.
    A new test named TestProteinRibbon was added to verify the output of the
    filter with the 2LYZ pdb file.
    Also, the vtkPDBReader class was modified to pass along the atom type
    names as a vtkStringArray named 'atom_types' which are needed by the
    new protein ribbon filter.
    Change-Id: I2c912d3d8020acbc09f7955f2bf0391cabc52a24