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  • David Thompson's avatar
    Use scalar annotations on interval-mode scalar bar. · 55cb7e11
    David Thompson authored
    This commit renders user-provided notes associated with specific
    scalar values on the interval-mode scalar bar. Previously, only
    the categorical mode rendered these annotations.
    Also, provide the scalar bar with an optional swatch
    to illustrate the color assigned to NaN values.
    Add an option to color leader lines from the scalar bar to
    the annotation labels by the corresponding scalar value.
    This commit also breaks the process of rebuilding the scalar bar
    into several virtual methods so that subclasses (particularly
    ParaView's `vtkPVScalarBarActor`) can reuse more of the base class
    functionality. The process is now separated into 2 phases: layout,
    where bounding boxes for scalar bar components are placed; and
    configuration, where actors are positioned and geometry is created.
    This includes some changes to text actor to support constrained
    placement and text size queries.
    Add a test for the new scalar bar options.
    There are now many more options controlling how the scalar bar behaves.
    In particular many settings interact with the way geometry is rendered:
    the lookup table may be indexed or not (thus tick marks may not be
    rendered); the orientation may be horizontal or vertical; annotations
    may be rendered or not; the NaN annotation may be omitted; leader lines
    to annotations may be colored by the scalar they annotate or by the label
    color; and the tick marks may precede or succeed the scalar bar.
    Also, we must test how empty labels are handled and how even vs odd
    numbers of labels affect placement (since the algorithm for placement
    behaves differently in these cases).
    We cannot perform a full factorial test, but do test independent
    Finally, this commit improves the performance of prominent value
    detection for primitive-type arrays (e.g., int, double) by avoiding
    the use of vtkVariant instances to hold the working set of distinct
    values during sampling.
    Change-Id: I852f9b497d5e6ab619d9d7b763f641c44e4869cf