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  • Chuck Atkins's avatar
    Initial ADIOS readers and writers · 4eb181fc
    Chuck Atkins authored
    This is a first pass at readers and writers using the ADIOS library.  It
    currently supports writing vtkUnstructuredGrid, vtkImageData, and
    vtkPolyData.  The same types are supported for reading into a
    vtkMultiPiece dataset. Requires ADIOS version >= 1.7.0.
    Currently known issues to be addressed in further branches:
    - FindADIOS.cmake was taked directly from the ADIOS source and needs some work
    - Setting the writer to WriteMode = OnChange produces output not compatible
      with the reader
    - All pieces must currently have the same type of data
    - Reader will read all arrays, no way to currently select which arrays to read
    - Additional VTK datatypes to be supported
    Change-Id: Ib5603d1708a59df923267990ebccc65299fbb6e4