diff --git a/Examples/AVMNidus/main.cpp b/Examples/AVMNidus/main.cpp
index 0e56984773508e84ed3510169e318e0bbf599c91..c57b69ebfde4ddbdeb7e2aab9b33631036491f19 100644
--- a/Examples/AVMNidus/main.cpp
+++ b/Examples/AVMNidus/main.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
     sdk->addSceneActor(femObject, femSimulator);
     // Create scene actor 2:  plane + dummy simulator
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
     // Run the SDK
diff --git a/Examples/CMakeLists.txt b/Examples/CMakeLists.txt
index ff8e3d44f87b12c751ff3fd2e7990a0497d84025..69d1c319fc9d812f8a4ee69cb7b5e388471c4b3d 100644
--- a/Examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Examples/CMakeLists.txt
diff --git a/Examples/vegaFem/CMakeLists.txt b/Examples/FEMSimulator/CMakeLists.txt
similarity index 99%
rename from Examples/vegaFem/CMakeLists.txt
rename to Examples/FEMSimulator/CMakeLists.txt
index ca228fa57979020c9eefbf4ebba985f1f4f16028..0aaafbfb5a8f5a2c3ce03244e403f8a5f844f4a6 100644
--- a/Examples/vegaFem/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Examples/FEMSimulator/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-set(APP vegaFemExample)
+set(APP FEMSimulator)
 add_executable(${APP} main.cpp)
diff --git a/Examples/vegaFem/main.cpp b/Examples/FEMSimulator/main.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from Examples/vegaFem/main.cpp
rename to Examples/FEMSimulator/main.cpp
diff --git a/Examples/LaparoscopicCamera/CMakeLists.txt b/Examples/LaparoscopicCamera/CMakeLists.txt
index 1cd11d9b06947667f68a2d604493fe77d23ce844..aa22dc0bbd20a27a1c58dea3a3233edb5b501294 100644
--- a/Examples/LaparoscopicCamera/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Examples/LaparoscopicCamera/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-set(APP LapCameraNavigationApp)
+set(APP LaparoscopicCamera)
 add_executable(${APP} main.cpp)
diff --git a/Examples/renderCube/main.cpp b/Examples/renderCube/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1252ed3429161a40374be520a3c4731aa61d0c4a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Examples/renderCube/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of the SimMedTK project.
-// Copyright (c) Center for Modeling, Simulation, and Imaging in Medicine,
-//                        Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Authors:
-// Contact:
-#include "../common/wasdCameraController.h"
-#include "../common/KeyPressSDKShutdown.h"
-#include "../common/pzrMouseCameraController.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include "IO/initIO.h"
-#include "RenderDelegates/initRenderDelegates.h"
-#include "VTKRendering/initVTKRendering.h"
-#include "Rendering/TextureManager.h"
-#include "Geometry/MeshModel.h"
-#include "Core/Factory.h"
-#include "Core/ViewerBase.h"
-int main()
-    initRenderDelegates();
-    initVTKRendering();
-    initIODelegates();
-    const bool useVTKRenderer = true; // VTK is the default viewer.
-    auto scene = std::make_shared<Scene>();
-    // Create a viewer
-    std::shared_ptr<ViewerBase> viewer
-        = Factory<ViewerBase>::createSubclassForGroup("ViewerBase",RenderDelegate::VTK);
-    if(!useVTKRenderer)
-    {
-        viewer.reset();
-        viewer
-            = Factory<ViewerBase>::createSubclassForGroup("ViewerBase",RenderDelegate::Other);
-    }
-    auto cubeModel = std::make_shared<MeshModel>();
-   // cubeModel->load("models/cube.obj");
-	cubeModel->load("models/blade.3ds");
-    auto renderDetail = std::make_shared<RenderDetail>(SIMMEDTK_RENDER_FACES | SIMMEDTK_RENDER_TEXTURE);
-    renderDetail->setTextureFilename("textures/cube.png");
-	renderDetail->addTexture("decalTexture", "textures/cube.png", "none", "none");
-    cubeModel->setRenderDetail(renderDetail);
-    if(!useVTKRenderer)
-    {
-        TextureManager::addTexture("textures/cube.jpg", "cubetex");
-        std::static_pointer_cast<SurfaceMesh>(cubeModel->getMesh())->assignTexture("cubetex");
-    }
-    auto cube = std::make_shared<StaticSceneObject>();
-    // If you want to use the GL renderer you need to specify the appropiate render delegates
-    // This can be automated in the future, for now VTK is the default renderer and the delegates
-    // need to be reset.
-    cube->setModel(cubeModel);
-    if(!useVTKRenderer)
-    {
-        auto renderDelegate = Factory<RenderDelegate>::createConcreteClassForGroup(
-            "StaticSceneObjectRenderDelegate",RenderDelegate::Other);
-        cube->setRenderDelegate(renderDelegate);
-        renderDelegate = Factory<RenderDelegate>::createConcreteClassForGroup(
-            "MeshRenderDelegate",RenderDelegate::Other);
-        cubeModel->getMesh()->setRenderDelegate(renderDelegate);
-    }
-    // Add the cube to the scene to be rendered
-    scene->addSceneObject(cube);
-    // Register the scene with the viewer, and setup render target
-    viewer->registerScene(scene, SMRENDERTARGET_SCREEN, "");
-    // Setup the window title in the window manager
-    viewer->setWindowTitle("SimMedTK RENDER TEST");
-    // Set some viewer properties
-    viewer->setScreenResolution(800, 640);
-    // Setup Scene lighting
-    if(!useVTKRenderer)
-    {
-        auto light = Light::getDefaultLighting();
-        assert(light);
-        scene->addLight(light);
-        // Camera setup
-        auto sceneCamera = Camera::getDefaultCamera();
-        assert(sceneCamera);
-        sceneCamera->setPos(3, 3, 5);
-        sceneCamera->setFocus(0, 0, -1);
-        sceneCamera->genProjMat();
-        sceneCamera->genViewMat();
-        scene->addCamera(sceneCamera);
-        // Create the camera controller
-        auto camCtl = std::make_shared<mstk::Examples::Common::wasdCameraController>();
-        auto keyShutdown = std::make_shared<mstk::Examples::Common::KeyPressSDKShutdown>();
-        auto pzrCamCtl = std::make_shared<mstk::Examples::Common::pzrMouseCameraController>();
-        camCtl->setCamera(sceneCamera);
-        pzrCamCtl->setCamera(sceneCamera);
-        // Link up the event system between this the camera controller and the viewer
-        viewer->attachEvent(core::EventType::Keyboard, camCtl);
-        viewer->attachEvent(core::EventType::Keyboard, keyShutdown);
-        viewer->attachEvent(core::EventType::MouseMove, pzrCamCtl);
-        viewer->attachEvent(core::EventType::MouseButton, pzrCamCtl);
-    }
-    viewer->exec();
-    return 0;