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New QVTKOpenGLWidget Implementation with Cristal Eyes Stereo Support

New QVTKOpenGLWidget Implementation with Cristal Eyes Stereo Support

A new implementation of the QVTKOpenGLWidget have been added to VTK and this commit make uses of it in ParaView.

The main feature of this new widget is the support of quad buffer based stereo mode "Cristal Eyes" wich was unsupported since the switch to Qt5.

This new widget ensure the rendering can only happen with a valid widget (aka ready for rendering)

This new widget support HiDpi rendering

This new widget improve also a few issues of flickering with the old widget.

The new QVTKOpenGLWidget class does not support Qt::WA_NativeWindow flag but the QScrollArea used in pqTransferFunctionWidget force it to be native.

The old widget have been kept and renammed QVTKOpenGLSimpleWidget and should be used for simple rendering or when the widget is automatically native. The old widget is used in pqTransferFunctionWidget

Depends on vtk/vtk!4317 (merged)

Fix #16855 (closed) Fix #17740 (closed)

Due to QTBUG-61836 (see QVTKOpenGLWidget::testingEvent()), events should be propagated back to the internal QVTKOpenGLWindow when being fired explicitely on the widget instance. We have to use a custom event callback in this case to ensure that events are passed to the window.

Edited by Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)

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