Using '+' as list separator causes some problems building documentation.
In ParaViewMacros.cmake, ParaViewPlugins.cmake and in proxydocumentation.cmake, a plus (+) character is used to build pseudo lists, since the semi-colon (;) would otherwise cause issues in shell commands. Unfortunately, this means that if the file-system path itself contains a plus (+) character, this will be incorrectly interpreted as a list separation character. Eg, for a path such as /nfs/software/gcc-4.8+openmpi-1.10.4/foo/...
would be falsely split into two parts, neither of which exist.
Changing this list-separator to a less commonly used character (eg, a comma) could help. Replacing it with an improbable multi-character sequence would likely be the more robust solution. For example, ,,
or ,@,