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  • Lucas Gandel's avatar
    Add/Fix related tests · be4b9b4c
    Lucas Gandel authored and Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)'s avatar Mathieu Westphal (Kitware) committed
    Prepend "cmd /c " to the execute_process command on windows. This
    ensures that paraview's GUI will be shown during the test and all
    elements get rendered.
    This is required to ensure proper mouse interactions with VTK charts.
    Force widget to be valid before pqCoreBasicApp screenshot
    The arbitrary timer duration in pqCoreBasicApp does not ensure that
    the QVTKOpenGLWidget had time to become valid for rendering.
    Recursively restart the timer untill the widget is valid.
    Improve ColorEditorVolumeControls XML test command
    Add NativeWidget test