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  • Utkarsh Ayachit's avatar
    BUG #13818. Updating Axis Range mangement for charts. · 0d07f53f
    Utkarsh Ayachit authored
    - Added ability to manually specify the range for any axes. Users can now
      specify a fixed range for any of the axes using the "View Settings" dialgor
      the chart views.
    - By default, the views scale the axes to fit the data being shown. Thus the
      axis will be scaled over time too. To avoid scaling over time, users need to
      set the axis to use fixed range.
    - This is indenpent of labels being rendered. Users can still let the label
      placement be controlled automatically or manually.
    - Even with "fixed ranges", if the user interacts with the chart, the ranges are
      updated to those the user picks as a consequence of the interaction.
    Added a new test "ChartAxisRangeAndLabels" that tests various configurations for
    ranges and labels.
    Change-Id: I3388a42aea69ed82e650167071c8fba73f5cd186