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Resolve "(Venus) 2d plots and time"

The XYChartView title {TIME} can now be formatted like in the "Annotate Time" source. The "{TIME} Format" text-field is right under the "Chart Title" field.

The vtkSetStringMacro was also adapted to allow non-literal user input newline "\n" to be turned into literal '\n': setEscapeStringMacro. It might be a good idea to move this new macro to VTK's vtkSetGet.h and call it vtkSetEscapeStringMacro so that it can be used by other classes (eg. I noticed that the 3D text vtkVectorText treats '\n' characters, but there is no way for the user to actually input that character). UPDATE: removed the escaping functionality because it is probably more appropriate to use the python shell for this.

The ${TIME} formatting field was also added to the ComparativeXYChartView and ComparativeXYBarChartView, where I also put the title justification (left/center/right) of the title in the same place as the XYChartView.

Closes #15061

What to do about #13871 (closed)?

Edited by Christian Schmitz

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