axes (in 3d render window) broken for parallel rendering in catalyst
The 3d axes rendering is broken for multiprocess rendering in catalyst. I am working with our sierra/catalyst plugin with the sierra simulation codes, specifically adagio. To see this problem I do the following. (Paraview 5.3)
- Run a simple simulation, producing some exodus files
- Start paraview, load the files
- Set up a 3D view which includes having the axes on (with axes titles and tic mark labels visible)
- export a catalyst script using the plugin
- add commands to the simulation input deck to use the exported script as a catalyst script during simulation execution
- run the simulation again with one process. Exported images are fine, axes and labels and titles are correct
- run the simulation again with two processes. Exported images are wrong, Axes titles and tic mark labels are missing, tic marks only go inward from the axes lines rather than inward and outward.