diff --git a/Infovis/vtkDelimitedTextReader.cxx b/Infovis/vtkDelimitedTextReader.cxx
index 6c8aef7e51344f7ccc60320efa4f157fb6a5fb68..c36435cdefe41afd12d7be61b8550e0ea776e7a2 100644
--- a/Infovis/vtkDelimitedTextReader.cxx
+++ b/Infovis/vtkDelimitedTextReader.cxx
@@ -399,6 +399,9 @@ vtkDelimitedTextReader::vtkDelimitedTextReader() :
   this->UseStringDelimiter = true;
   this->DetectNumericColumns = false;
   this->ForceDouble = false;
+  this->DefaultIntegerValue = 0;
+  this->DefaultDoubleValue = 0.0;
+  this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion = false;
@@ -439,6 +442,12 @@ void vtkDelimitedTextReader::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
     << (this->DetectNumericColumns? "true" : "false") << endl;
   os << indent << "ForceDouble: "
     << (this->ForceDouble ? "true" : "false") << endl;
+  os << indent << "DefaultIntegerValue: "
+    << this->DefaultIntegerValue << endl;
+  os << indent << "DefaultDoubleValue: "
+    << this->DefaultDoubleValue << endl;
+  os << indent << "TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion: "
+    << (this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion ? "true" : "false") << endl;
   os << indent << "GeneratePedigreeIds: "
     << this->GeneratePedigreeIds << endl;
   os << indent << "PedigreeIdArrayName: "
@@ -641,15 +650,18 @@ int vtkDelimitedTextReader::RequestData(
     if (this->DetectNumericColumns && !this->UnicodeOutputArrays)
-      vtkStringToNumeric* convertor = vtkStringToNumeric::New();
-      convertor->SetForceDouble(this->ForceDouble);
+      vtkStringToNumeric* converter = vtkStringToNumeric::New();
+      converter->SetForceDouble(this->ForceDouble);
+      converter->SetDefaultIntegerValue(this->DefaultIntegerValue);
+      converter->SetDefaultDoubleValue(this->DefaultDoubleValue);
+      converter->SetTrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion(this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion);
       vtkTable* clone = output_table->NewInstance();
-      convertor->SetInput(clone);
-      convertor->Update();
+      converter->SetInput(clone);
+      converter->Update();
-      output_table->ShallowCopy(convertor->GetOutputDataObject(0));
-      convertor->Delete();
+      output_table->ShallowCopy(converter->GetOutputDataObject(0));
+      converter->Delete();
diff --git a/Infovis/vtkDelimitedTextReader.h b/Infovis/vtkDelimitedTextReader.h
index 00f8f257710a1243b3614aa9b2d666b79221b363..0289174a96f6c19a5d0b74f8141baf34fea153ae 100644
--- a/Infovis/vtkDelimitedTextReader.h
+++ b/Infovis/vtkDelimitedTextReader.h
@@ -171,6 +171,36 @@ public:
   vtkGetMacro(ForceDouble, bool);
   vtkBooleanMacro(ForceDouble, bool);
+  // Description:
+  // When DetectNumericColumns is set to true, whether to trim whitespace from 
+  // strings prior to conversion to a numeric.
+  // Default is false to preserve backward compatibility.
+  //
+  // vtkVariant handles whitespace inconsistently, so trim it before we try to
+  // convert it.  For example:
+  //
+  // vtkVariant("  2.0").ToDouble() == 2.0 <-- leading whitespace is not a problem
+  // vtkVariant("  2.0  ").ToDouble() == NaN <-- trailing whitespace is a problem
+  // vtkVariant("  infinity  ").ToDouble() == NaN <-- any whitespace is a problem
+  //
+  // In these cases, trimming the whitespace gives us the result we expect:
+  // 2.0 and INF respectively.
+  vtkSetMacro(TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion, bool);
+  vtkGetMacro(TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion, bool);
+  vtkBooleanMacro(TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion, bool);
+  // Description:
+  // When DetectNumericColumns is set to true, the reader use this value to populate
+  // the vtkIntArray where empty strings are found. Default is 0.
+  vtkSetMacro(DefaultIntegerValue, int);
+  vtkGetMacro(DefaultIntegerValue, int);
+  // Description:
+  // When DetectNumericColumns is set to true, the reader use this value to populate
+  // the vtkDoubleArray where empty strings are found. Default is 0.0
+  vtkSetMacro(DefaultDoubleValue, double);
+  vtkGetMacro(DefaultDoubleValue, double);
   // Description:
   // The name of the array for generating or assigning pedigree ids
   // (default "id").
@@ -223,6 +253,9 @@ protected:
   vtkUnicodeString UnicodeEscapeCharacter;
   bool DetectNumericColumns;
   bool ForceDouble;
+  bool TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion;
+  int DefaultIntegerValue;
+  double DefaultDoubleValue;
   char* FieldDelimiterCharacters;
   char StringDelimiter;
   bool UseStringDelimiter;
diff --git a/Infovis/vtkStringToNumeric.cxx b/Infovis/vtkStringToNumeric.cxx
index 4fc884acd314d9e26ae053d8beb1368d59e14816..ff3908f6711e938a97114a9ab142d8c798271432 100644
--- a/Infovis/vtkStringToNumeric.cxx
+++ b/Infovis/vtkStringToNumeric.cxx
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ vtkStringToNumeric::vtkStringToNumeric()
   this->ConvertPointData = true;
   this->ConvertCellData = true;
   this->ForceDouble = false;
+  this->DefaultIntegerValue = 0;
+  this->DefaultDoubleValue = 0.0;
+  this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion = false;
@@ -209,13 +212,28 @@ void vtkStringToNumeric::ConvertArrays(vtkFieldData* fieldData)
         str = unicodeArray->GetValue(i).utf8_str(); 
+      if (this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion)
+        {
+        size_t startPos = str.find_first_not_of(" \n\t\r");
+        if (startPos == vtkStdString::npos)
+          {
+          str = "";
+          }
+        else
+          {
+          size_t endPos = str.find_last_not_of(" \n\t\r");
+          str = str.substr(startPos, endPos-startPos+1);
+          }
+        }
       bool ok;
       if (allInteger)
         if (str.length() == 0)
-          intArray->SetValue(i, 0);
-          doubleArray->SetValue(i, 0.0);
+          intArray->SetValue(i, this->DefaultIntegerValue);
+          doubleArray->SetValue(i, this->DefaultDoubleValue);
         int intValue = vtkVariant(str).ToInt(&ok);
@@ -234,7 +252,7 @@ void vtkStringToNumeric::ConvertArrays(vtkFieldData* fieldData)
         if (str.length() == 0)
-          doubleArray->SetValue(i, 0.0);
+          doubleArray->SetValue(i, this->DefaultDoubleValue);
         double doubleValue = vtkVariant(str).ToDouble(&ok);
@@ -325,4 +343,10 @@ void vtkStringToNumeric::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
     << (this->ConvertCellData ? "on" : "off") << endl;
   os << indent << "ForceDouble: " 
     << (this->ForceDouble ? "on" : "off") << endl;
+  os << indent << "DefaultIntegerValue: "
+    << this->DefaultIntegerValue << endl;
+  os << indent << "DefaultDoubleValue: "
+    << this->DefaultDoubleValue << endl;
+  os << indent << "TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion: " 
+    << (this->TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion ? "on" : "off") << endl;
diff --git a/Infovis/vtkStringToNumeric.h b/Infovis/vtkStringToNumeric.h
index b2b48069142b8850173ca227c9ca1dc55d79cb08..e1a269cd79d61d9b69f62c3d4b647c6b2c6c943b 100644
--- a/Infovis/vtkStringToNumeric.h
+++ b/Infovis/vtkStringToNumeric.h
@@ -41,6 +41,33 @@ public:
   vtkSetMacro(ForceDouble, bool);
   vtkGetMacro(ForceDouble, bool);
   vtkBooleanMacro(ForceDouble, bool);
+  // Description:
+  // Set the default integer value assigned to arrays.  Default is 0.
+  vtkSetMacro(DefaultIntegerValue, int);
+  vtkGetMacro(DefaultIntegerValue, int);
+  // Description:
+  // Set the default double value assigned to arrays.  Default is 0.0 
+  vtkSetMacro(DefaultDoubleValue, double);
+  vtkGetMacro(DefaultDoubleValue, double);
+  // Description:
+  // Whether to trim whitespace from strings prior to conversion to a numeric.
+  // Default is false to preserve backward compatibility.
+  //
+  // vtkVariant handles whitespace inconsistently, so trim it before we try to
+  // convert it.  For example:
+  //
+  // vtkVariant("  2.0").ToDouble() == 2.0 <-- leading whitespace is not a problem
+  // vtkVariant("  2.0  ").ToDouble() == NaN <-- trailing whitespace is a problem
+  // vtkVariant("  infinity  ").ToDouble() == NaN <-- any whitespace is a problem
+  //
+  // In these cases, trimming the whitespace gives us the result we expect:
+  // 2.0 and INF respectively.
+  vtkSetMacro(TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion, bool);
+  vtkGetMacro(TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion, bool);
+  vtkBooleanMacro(TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion, bool);
   // Description:
   // Whether to detect and convert field data arrays.  Default is on.
@@ -108,6 +135,9 @@ protected:
   bool ConvertPointData;
   bool ConvertCellData;
   bool ForceDouble;
+  int DefaultIntegerValue;
+  double DefaultDoubleValue;
+  bool TrimWhitespacePriorToNumericConversion;
   // Description:
   // Count the total number of items (array components) that will need