From d4440bcad445bd2d9ed293e86c0b56689cca8021 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Boeckel <>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:32:26 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] vtkPointAccumulator: remove unused file

 Common/Core/vtkPointAccumulator.hxx | 180 ----------------------------
 1 file changed, 180 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Common/Core/vtkPointAccumulator.hxx

diff --git a/Common/Core/vtkPointAccumulator.hxx b/Common/Core/vtkPointAccumulator.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c6c84b9e3..00000000000
--- a/Common/Core/vtkPointAccumulator.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   Visualization Toolkit
-  Module:    vtkPointAccumulator.hxx
-  Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
-  All rights reserved.
-  See Copyright.txt or for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
-// .NAME vtkPointAccumulator - Container class that manages appending data arrays of points.
-// .SECTION Description
-// The template types are T_CPP for the c++ data type and T_VTK for
-// the VTK data type. Eg: if T_CCP==double the T_VTK must be
-// vtkDoubleArray. The main difference between the way this
-// works and if you were to do the same thing with a data array is
-// that here the memory grows by exactly what is needed, and
-// in VTK data arrays the memory will grow by at least twice
-// what is requested.
-#ifndef vtkPointAccumulator_hxx
-#define vtkPointAccumulator_hxx
-#include <exception>
-#include "vtkPoints.h"
-template<typename T_CPP, class T_VTK>
-class vtkPointAccumulator
-  public:
-    vtkPointAccumulator()
-    {
-      this->PtStore=0;
-      this->NPts=0;
-    }
-    ~vtkPointAccumulator()
-    {
-      this->Clear();
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Free resources and mark as empty.
-    void Clear()
-    {
-      if (this->PtStore!=0)
-        {
-        free(this->PtStore);
-        }
-      this->PtStore=0;
-      this->NPts=0;
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Test if there is anything in the store.
-    bool Empty()
-    {
-      return this->NPts==0;
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Extend the internal store and get a pointer to
-    // the newly added memory.
-    T_CPP *Expand(vtkIdType n)
-    {
-      const int bytesPerPoint=3*sizeof(T_CPP);
-      // extend
-      vtkIdType newNPts=this->NPts+n;
-      T_CPP *newPointStore
-        = static_cast<T_CPP *>(realloc(this->PtStore,newNPts*bytesPerPoint));
-      if (newPointStore==0)
-        {
-        #ifndef NDEBUG
-        abort();
-        #else
-        throw std::bad_alloc();
-        #endif
-        }
-      // mark begin of new
-      T_CPP *writePointer=newPointStore+3*this->NPts;
-      // update
-      this->PtStore=newPointStore;
-      this->NPts=newNPts;
-      return writePointer;
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Adds an array of points to the end of
-    // the internal store.
-    void Accumulate(T_CPP *pts, vtkIdType n)
-    {
-      // extend
-      T_CPP *writePointer=this->Expand(n);
-      // copy at end
-      const int bytesPerPoint=3*sizeof(T_CPP);
-      memcpy(writePointer,pts,n*bytesPerPoint);
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Adds an array of points at the end of
-    // the internal store.
-    void Accumulate(T_VTK *pts)
-    {
-      this->Accumulate(pts->GetPointer(0),pts->GetNumberOfTuples());
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Creates a vtkPoints data structure from
-    // the internal store. Caller to delete the points.
-    vtkPoints *BuildVtkPoints()
-    {
-      T_VTK *da=T_VTK::New();
-      da->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
-      da->SetArray(this->PtStore,3*this->NPts,1);
-      vtkPoints *pts=vtkPoints::New();
-      pts->SetData(da);
-      da->Delete();
-      return pts;
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Compute axis-aligned bounding box. An exhaustive search is made
-    // through points every time. It's calllers responsibility to use
-    // sparingly.
-    void GetBounds(double bounds[6])
-    {
-      // Prepare
-      for (int q=0; q<3; ++q)
-        {
-        bounds[q]=static_cast<double>(this->PtStore[q]);
-        bounds[q+1]=static_cast<double>(this->PtStore[q+1]);
-        }
-      // Search
-      for (vtkIdType i=1; i<this->NPts; ++i)
-        {
-        double pt[3];
-        vtkIdType ptIdx=3*i;
-        pt[0]=static_cast<double>(this->PtStore[ptIdx]);
-        pt[1]=static_cast<double>(this->PtStore[ptIdx+1]);
-        pt[2]=static_cast<double>(this->PtStore[ptIdx+2]);
-        if (pt[0]<bounds[0]) bounds[0]=pt[0];
-        if (pt[0]>bounds[1]) bounds[1]=pt[0];
-        if (pt[1]<bounds[2]) bounds[2]=pt[1];
-        if (pt[1]>bounds[3]) bounds[3]=pt[1];
-        if (pt[2]<bounds[4]) bounds[4]=pt[2];
-        if (pt[2]>bounds[5]) bounds[5]=pt[2];
-        }
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Return the number of points currently in the point store.
-    vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints()
-    {
-      return this->NPts;
-    }
-    // Description:
-    // Print the contents of the internal store.
-    void Print()
-    {
-      T_CPP *pBuf=this->PtStore;
-      for (int i=0; i<this->NPts; ++i)
-        {
-        cerr << i << " (" << pBuf[0];
-        for (int q=1; q<3; ++q)
-          {
-          cerr << ", " << pBuf[q];
-          }
-        cerr << ")" << endl;
-        pBuf+=3;
-        }
-    }
-  private:
-    vtkPointAccumulator(const vtkPointAccumulator &) VTK_DELETE_FUNCTION;
-    vtkPointAccumulator &operator=(const vtkPointAccumulator &) VTK_DELETE_FUNCTION;
-    T_CPP *PtStore;
-    vtkIdType NPts;