diff --git a/Documentation/release/dev/add-PassThroughCellIdsHTGGeometry.md b/Documentation/release/dev/add-PassThroughCellIdsHTGGeometry.md
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+++ b/Documentation/release/dev/add-PassThroughCellIdsHTGGeometry.md
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+## Addition of `PassThroughCellIds` property in `vtkHyperTreeGridGeometry` filter
+The `vtkHyperTreeGridGeometry` filter now provides and option `PassThroughCellIds` (default `false`) to pass through original cell IDs from the input `vtkHyperTreeGrid` to the output `vtkPolyData`. One can also name the array using the `OriginalCellIdArrayName` string proerty.
+This option, often found in geometry filters, allows one to make the resulting `vtkPolyData` compatible with the `vtkHardwareSelector` for making selections on the original `vtkHyperTreeGrid`. It can also help for debugging purposes as well as general additional visualization data when mapping the surface to color.